EAP Peer Coordinators:

     This issue addresses how to protect your finances from the impact of corona virus. There is a special addendum with specific steps to help with handling budgets. This information is from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (www.consumerfinance.gov). This is a very informative web site with lots of great free financial information. 
     The entire issue has many hyperlinks to relevant web sites. The issue is best distributed electronically, so the hyperlinks can be accessed. If you can’t send it electronically, you may want to be able to share the links with your co-workers as they express interest in a specific  topic. I am happy to help if you have any trouble accessing any of the links. 
     It is important to anticipate what might happen after the CARES act funds end, September 30. We have a few months for everyone to look at their financial situation and to prepare for tough times. We can refer co-workers to  the web sites within the issue. Let’s be there to help when questions arise and financial information can be beneficial. 

     Thank you for getting this information out. I appreciate your efforts as we step up getting information out to our membership. 




Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Helping Hands Special Edition V


There are ways to get help if you are struggling to pay your bills due to the financial impact of COVID-19. If you can still pay your bills, you will likely be better off staying on track. Keep in mind that if you decide to use a program that lets you pause or reduce payments, you will still owe the money you have not paid once the program ends.

You have options.


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