American Employees
Hawaiian Employees

Welcome to the IAMAW District 141 Employee Assistance Program
You’re doing the right thing.
The Employee Assistance Program is here to help you navigate insurance and find the help you need, confidentially, and at no cost.
American Airlines
The link below has the names and contact information of Employee Assistance Representatives at American Airlines.
Hawaiian Airlines
The link below has the names and contact information of Employee Assistance Representatives at Hawaiian Airlines.
United Airlines
The link below has the names and contact information of Employee Assistance Representatives at United Airlines.
Helping Hands October: Retirement
Our focus is on Retirement and how to prepare for retirement. Retirement is an important issue for many of our folks - preparing for retirement isn't just about money - it is also about being emotionally prepared and having a plan about what you will do and how you...
Helping Hands September: Sleep
September focuses on sleep - the basics of sleep and how much sleep one needs. There has been a lot of research on sleep and how important it is for optimal functioning. Many of our co-workers work shifts that don't allow for "normal" sleep cycles. This can lead to...
Helping Hands August: CBD
Because there is a lot of confusion around legalization of marijuanna and THC (the active ingredient in marijuanna that gives people a "high") and now - CBD oils, we cover information about CBD this month. CBD oil has been touted as a treatment for pain. The...