Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

July 29, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines this week in Dallas/Fort Worth to continue joint contract negotiations.

Despite our willingness to move this process along, the company continues to bypass your committee and attempt to negotiate directly with you, the membership, through town hall meetings. During these meetings, the company promises large pay increases, but fails to tell you is that in other very important areas of our contract they are presenting concessionary proposals that include the lesser language of the two pre-merger contracts.

At his “State of the Airline” speech, American Airlines CEO Doug Parker said, “The company is not happy that negotiations have gone on this long.” But if that’s the case, then why then do his negotiators continue to propose concessions, knowing full well that we will reject those proposals, and prolong negotiations even more? This is nothing less than a standard management stalling technique.

We know you are eager for bargaining to finish. So are we, but these proposals simply do not meet your survey responses or expectations.

This week we passed our overtime proposal and we received back counter proposals on vacations and temporary assignments. There are several articles to which we are awaiting the company’s response, including holidays, sick time and recognition and rights.

The following are the TAs reached to date:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules

We have the negotiations scheduled for the next two weeks in Dallas.


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

June 30, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines this week in Dallas/Fort Worth to continue joint contract negotiations.

During this week’s talks, we made progress on issues which have previously bogged us down. A TA was reached on Work Schedules and significant progress has been made on Overtime. To date, we have not received a response from the company to our counter-proposal on Holidays. That TA’s are not coming out every week is not reflective of the hard work of the committee. We remain committed to be expeditious but take the time necessary to achieve the best contract language possible.

Regarding seniority list integration, earlier this week Joshua Javits issued a letter introducing himself to Association members and outlined his role in the seniority integration process. It is important to note that having an integrated seniority list is not necessary for a joint agreement to be reached and ratified prior to the posting of that final list.

During the negotiations process, we have reached the following TA’s:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedule

We understand your frustrations and we want a contract as fast and as much as you do. However, we also must preserve our work rules and other contractual provisions that make our work lives better. We must stand together as we work through this process!


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Seniority Integration Process Update

Seniority Integration Process Update

Seniority Integration Process Update

June 24, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

In other news this week, the TWU-IAM Association met this week in Washington D.C. to continue the seniority integration process. This follows efforts that began with our joint TWU-IAM seniority committee who met last November. The work of that committee initiated the seniority integration process and identified issues and differences in need of further attention in order to reach final integrated seniority lists.

Based on the committee’s work and in order to establish final fair and equitable seniority lists, the Association decided to obtain assistance from an experienced and nationally recognized Neutral to analyze, make recommendations and, if necessary, decide seniority issues in accordance with our earlier seniority integration commitments and agreements.

To conduct this comprehensive analysis and to create final integrated seniority lists, the Association has obtained the services of Joshua M. Javits. Javits is a former Chairman and member of the National Mediation Board, member of the National Academy of Arbitrators and a neutral on the labor arbitration panels of the American Arbitration Association and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Mr. Javits has unrivaled practical experience issuing reports and recommendations regarding the fair and equitable integration of seniority.

Mr. Javits will review and analyze the seniority committee’s work thus far, will gather information from the Company and will work with the Association to prepare final integrated seniority lists.

Javits will introduce himself to the Association membership in his own communication to you. There, he will further describe his responsibilities in this process and how input from members can be provided to him. Also, he will advise of the process to protest one’s placement on the list(s), once issued, in order to make corrections where errors may have occurred.


Timothy J. Klima

Association Representative, IAM

Alex Garcia

Association Representative, TWU

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

June 17, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company this week in Dallas. Multiple proposals were passed that addressed the outstanding issues regarding Hours of Work and Work Schedules. We made significant progress on both of these articles.

Your committee also worked on proposals for Overtime and Classifications. The company indicated that they are preparing to pass their Overtime proposal during our next session.

Our next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of June 20th in Washington DC.


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

May 27, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of May 23rd in Dallas.  Although we have not reached tentative agreements on specific, open joint contract articles, we have worked very hard and have made progress. When we exchanged our initial proposals with the company regarding open articles, we found several differences that needed to be resolved.  As the process has moved forward, we have resolved several of them. We’ve made substantial progress on open articles are closer to achieving tentative agreements on these important joint contract provisions.

This week the Fleet Negotiating Committee reached TAs on the following articles:

  • Furlough Benefits (formerly “Severance Allowance”) – We were able to reach an agreement with enhancements for Association members.
  • Termination of Employment – This article was removed from the TWU agreement and language has been inserted into the new Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • Shift Trades – After multiple exchanges with the company, we achieved a comprehensive agreement on this article.

Thus far, the Fleet Committee has tentative agreements on the following Articles:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits

Our next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of June 13th, and the next three weeks thereafter.


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

May 20, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Committee met with American Airlines during the week of May 16th in DFW.

While your negotiating committee began the week optimistically, the company continues to fall very short of the expectations it set and relayed to Association members when negotiations began.

Your committee remains dedicated to the negotiations process, but is disappointed by the lack of progress, due almost entirely to company management’s work-rule proposals that would adversely impact the membership’s quality of life.

Although we did not achieve any TAs this week, the committee was able to narrow down the issues on a number of the remaining open articles. We exchanged multiple proposals regarding Shift Trades, Work Schedules and Hours of Work.

We have not received any new proposals from the company, but did propose language regarding Severance Allowance and are awaiting American’s response.

Future Fleet negotiations dates and locations are as follows:

May 23 July 25 June 20
June 13 August 22 July 18
June 27 August 29
August 1
August 8



Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson