Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

Brothers and Sisters,

The Executive Negotiating Committee informed American Airlines they would not meet face to face with the company this week while in Washington D.C. Your negotiating committees continued to evaluate the proposal presented last week and worked on crafting language to respond to this woefully inadequate company document that is far from industry leading.

It is becoming abundantly clear that the Members’ feeling of disgust towards American Airlines is growing. Your committees greatly appreciate your support this and every week. Your continued support is needed to bring you the industry leading contract you deserve!

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: August 14th and August 28th.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny
Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

The Association Disappointed with American Airlines Proposal

Brothers and Sisters,

The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of July 17th, in Washington D.C. On the afternoon of July 19th, American Airlines presented their initial proposal covering the remaining articles to your Executive Committee. Upon initial review, the company’s proposal is inadequate and falls far short in providing the contract you deserve. After a year and a half of negotiations with the Company, we are extremely disappointed.

Your negotiating committees have begun the process of evaluating this proposal and remain fully committed to delivering the best contract in the industry on American Airlines.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: July 24th, August 14th and August 28th.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny
Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers & Sisters,

The Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of June 12th, in Washington D.C. and continued negotiations on Classifications for M&R, and Promotions & Transfers, Recall, and Reduction in Force for Fleet Service among other contractual provisions. The Executive Committee was unable to reach full tentative agreements; however, progress was made in several areas, and language was agreed to in principle.

The Executive Committee, the M&R and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees continues to discuss open issues for the Articles, and why we are unable to reach tentative agreements on them. It is both disappointing and frustrating that the Company continues to make proposals that contain concessionary language that the Committees cannot accept; even when we provide counterproposals that American cannot disprove would meet their needs of service. While we all agree that progress is slowly being made, the Company still believes that we will make concessions just to reach an Agreement, which will never happen. We all want an expeditious end to negotiations, but we are not willing to simply bring back a substandard contract to get there. Our members deserve the best in the industry. Management has promised that, and so far they have failed to live up to their words.

We are all becoming more frustrated as these weeks go by, because the contract language that the Company has promised and committed to, has yet to fully materialize. The only way these negotiations will be expedited is if American Airlines management actually shows the commitment at the bargaining table they have continually promised to us; that is the industry’s best contracts for their employees.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny
Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers & Sisters,

The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of June 5th, in Washington D.C. and continued discussions of several of the open issues and Articles.

The M&R Committee reviewed and passed to the Company M&R Classifications, the complexity of this Article presented us with several challenges. The Committee also prepared MLS Classifications to be passed to the Company.

The Fleet Service Committee continued to work on Transfers and Promotions, and had exchanges with the Company.

The Negotiating Committees, including the Executive Committee, reviewed the General and Miscellaneous Article. While the Committees and the Company have mutually agreed upon several paragraphs in principle within General and Miscellaneous, this Article will remain open for all work groups until the conclusion of the entire negotiation process.

The Committees reached Tentative Agreements for all work groups on the following Articles:

Effects on Prior Agreements

Issuance of SIDA Badges (New Article)


M&R, MLS, MCT, MTS, and T/A’s
Purpose Preamble Safety & Health
Bulletin Boards Uniforms – M&R and MLS Dress Attire – MCT
Sick Leave Hours of Service –M&R, MLS, and M&R & MLS Part Time Employees/Eliminated
Absence from Duty Recognition of Rights and Compliance Probationary Period
Management Rights No Strike / No Lockout Fitness for Duty
Representation System Board of Adjustment/Arbitration Temporary Employees/Eliminated
Furlough/Severance Termination of Employment/Eliminated Field Trip/Travel Pay
Shift Swaps (Change of Shift) Training – M&R, MCT, and MLS One Station Agreements
Leaves of Absence Overtime – M&R, MLS, and MCT Limited Duty
Effect on Prior Agreements Issuance of SIDA Badge

Note: All Articles listed in the chart above are for all M&R and MLS groups, except for those listed with bold after the Article title.


Fleet Service T/A’s
Shift Differential Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem Preamble
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation System Board of Adjustment Field Work
Uniforms Absence from Duty Bulletin Boards
Fitness for Duty No Strike No Lockout Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Shift Trades
Termination of Employment Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments Voluntary Furlough Hours of Work
Overtime Issuance of SIDA Badge Effect on Prior Agreements


While the Executive Committee continues to meet face to face with the Company, the Negotiating Committees continue to review and craft counter proposals.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: June 12th, July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.

Your Negotiating Committees remain optimistic that more Articles will be T/A’d over the upcoming weeks, so long as American Airlines management remains committed to their promises of industry-leading contracts.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny
Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength


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Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

The Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers & Sisters,

The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of May 22nd, in Washington D.C. and discussed several of the open issues and Articles. For M&R and MLS those Articles include: Vacations, Holidays, Overtime and Classifications. For the Fleet Service group those Articles include: Vacations, Overtime, Reduction in Force and Recall.

The Committee reached Tentative Agreements on the following Articles:

Overtime – M&R, MLS and Fleet Service

Hours of Service – M&R, MLS and MCT

Recognition of Rights – Fleet Service

The M&R Committee received a proposal from the Company on Classifications, and the Fleet Service Committee received a proposal from the Company on Transfers and Promotions that are currently under review.

While the Executive Committee met face to face with the Company, the remaining members of the Negotiating Committees were engaged in reviewing and crafting counter proposals.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: June 5th, June 12th, July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.

Your Negotiating Committees remain fully committed to achieving industry leading contracts to be voted on by our membership. Progress has been made, and will continue to be made, as long as American Airlines management remains committed to their promises of an industry-leading contract.

Your support is both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve our goals. Knowing that we stand together in solidarity makes us stronger than ever.

Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny
Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

Negotiating Committee Works Towards Industry Leading Contract

American Announces Mid-Term Pay Increases for Pilots & Flight Attendants

American Airlines yesterday announced mid-contract pay increases for its pilot and flight attendant groups. The Company states its reasoning is that those two groups have fallen significantly behind their industry peers with long durations before their collective bargaining agreements are open for negotiations.

The TWU-IAM Association negotiated industry leading pay increases last fall for the membership at American. Those pay increases for Association represented employees are locked in and have benefited those employees for several months. It appears the Association action that kept its members from lagging behind the industry helped these other employee groups.

The difference between all the other American employee groups and the Association members is that, while industry best pay increases were already achieved, Association members will benefit from our current joint collective bargaining that will bring more pay and benefit improvements putting them even further ahead.

As previously reported, TWU-IAM Association negotiations have entered Executive level status with the objective of bringing those negotiations to conclusion so our members can reap the benefits of the improvements yet to come. Your patience and solidarity are needed while the critical final stages of our negotiations take place.

In Solidarity,

Sito Pantoja, Harry Lombardo
Association Director and Vice Director

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