Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters,

The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in New York City.

As was previously reported, an Association subcommittee met last week in Dallas to review and designate what Letters of Agreement would be retained in the JCBA, should be discussed during negotiations to incorporate into articles of the JCBA, or removed. All TWU and IAM Letters of Agreement inside and outside of the current CBA’s were reviewed for all groups.

Discussion this week centered around ASAP (Aviation Safety Action Program), GSAP (Ground Safety Action Program), Grandfathering Limited Duty, Overtime procedures for M&R and MLS as well as preliminary Scope discussions for Fleet Service.

The discussions on the ASAP/ GSAP Memorandums of Understanding are an effort to combine the TWU and IAM programs into a single program to cover all M&R and Stores under the ASAP and Fleet Service under the GSAP.

We had previously tentatively agreed to the Limited Duty Article; further agreement was reached to grandfather anyone currently on limited duty from an on the job injury for all groups.

Discussion on overtime distribution procedures for M&R and MLS continued and will support the previously tentatively agreed to Articles for Overtime.

The Seniority Article for Fleet Service has been tentatively agreed to.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: November 6 in Washington, DC and December 11 in Dallas.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes,

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny,

Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson,

Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Interim Wage Increase Agreement

Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU/IAM Association and  American Airlines agreed that, as part of the interim wage increase agreement negotiated in August 2016, any members that were disadvantaged would be corrected and made whole. The first correction in 2016 affected 33 members.

The parties are pleased to announce that this year, 27 LUS Stock Clerks will receive lump sum payments for incorrect placement on the pay scale as a result of the August 2016 interim wage agreement.

In addition, 163 LAA Title 1 and Title 2 members will receive lump sum payments as result of the negative impact on flex rates as a function of lengthening the pay scale by that same August 2016 interim wage agreement.

The above described payments will be in the October 20, 2017 pay cycle.

Any questions about these payments should be directed to your local TWU or IAM representative.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:                                        

 Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny,

Dale Danker, Mark Hu?man, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson,

Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Canceled

Brothers and Sisters,

Due to the hurricane in Florida, the TWU/IAM Association and American Airlines have mutually decided to cancel contract negotiations next week. The safety of the Association’s members and representatives is of paramount importance and travel at this time is not advised. Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: October 2nd in Washington DC and October 16th in New York City.

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Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters,

After the fallout from the Company’s letter on Friday August 24th, the Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC. The ghost negotiators from the Company that were invited to join the talks did not show up. The Association is taking the high road and looking to secure an industry leading contract for our members and did not stoop to the pathetic approach that the Company took last week in trying to negotiate on the shop floor. Instead your Committee arrived ready to continue negotiations in an effort to produce the industry leading agreement you are entitled to.

The Executive Committee and the Company were able to reach tentative agreements on Status of Agreement for all groups, MCT Sick Leave, and have narrowed the issues for the groups in the Classifications and Qualifications articles. Additionally, an agreement was reached for initial aircraft inspections for the maintenance bases. The Negotiating Committee continues to review/modify contract language and give their recommendations to the Executive Committee.

The contractually agreed to Association wage increases due on September 12th, will be provided to all Mechanic & Related, Stores, Maintenance Training Specialists, and Fleet Service members.

The Committee sincerely thanks the membership for their continued support and showing of solidarity during this critical phase of negotiations!

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: September 11th Dallas/Fort Worth, October 2nd Washington DC, October 16th New York City. Your Committee is ready and willing to meet anytime – anywhere with the Company to bring you the Industry Leading contract you deserve.


Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny

Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson

Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association to American: “Comprehensive” Proposal is Garbage

Dear Association member,

In an internal communication to TWU-IAM Association members at American Airlines, Kerry Philipovitch and David Seymour—American executives who have not attended one negotiating session—claim the Association is dragging its feet in responding to American’s “comprehensive” proposal. FALSE! Association executive level negotiators told American negotiators that their comprehensive proposal belongs in the garbage. It is an insult to the membership and doesn’t deserve any further response.

Accurate information is important. The company’s “comprehensive” proposal does the following:

  • Outsources work and eliminates jobs
  • Maintains legacy American’s high cost health care
  • Includes insulting wage rates that are not industry-leading
  • Eliminates pensions and shifts risk to workers

Their “comprehensive” proposal was also riddled with basic mistakes including significant errors in wage scales and retirement language. The negotiators that sold Manhattan to the Dutch for $24 were better prepared.

We invite these ghost negotiators, Kerry and David, to show up at our next negotiating session so we can give them the personal response they deserve. And American’s entire negotiating team is welcome to attend one of the collective bargaining training sessions at the IAM’s Winpisinger Center. Maybe then they will develop the skill set required to bargain a fair contract that Association members deserve.

The “comprehensive” proposal is akin to a bribe and a bad one at that. Association represented workers will not be fooled. American Airlines is the most profitable carrier in the industry and American Airlines’ Association workers deserve a truly industry-leading contract.


On behalf of the TWU/IAM Association,

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Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Negotiations Moving Forward.

Brothers and Sisters,

The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC. Negotiations centered around the Fleet Service group and good progress was made working through outstanding language issues.

The Mechanic & Related/Stores Committee met internally for important discussions regarding the seniority article and they are pleased to report that significant and positive progress was made working through those complicated remaining issues. Our attention in the next scheduled negotiation will be on the Mechanic & Related/Stores open issues to sync us up to the progress made with Fleet language.

The entire negotiating team looks forward to using the solidarity of our 30,000 Association Members as we move into the more serious economic and scope discussions with the company in the near future.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following week: August 28th.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny
Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson
Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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