Congratulations! Dave Lehive

Congratulations! Dave Lehive

Congratulations! Dave Lehive

District 141’s own Senior Communications Coordinator, Dave Lehive, has won First Place for his photography in the 2016 IAM Photo Contest.

Dave Lehive - District 141 Communicator.IAM photographers from around the US and Canada compete each year to bring the best unposed photography of IAM members at work. Winning contestants are recognized, along with their work, on the website.

Dave Lehive has been a working photographer and AV specialist for decades, beginning as a Communicator at Local Lodge 1776 in Philadelphia. He began work at District 141 in 2008, and has become the most recognized and prominent photographer in the history of the District. His work is featured on the District 141 Facebook page (Search Facebook for IAMAW District 141) and the District website.

Dave Lehive is motivated by a deep commitment to unionism and to the membership of the IAM. His love of photography and photojournalism helps the members of District 141 learn more about their union, and also helps to promote the hard work of activists around the nation.

The annual IAM photo contest is hosted by the Grand Lodge, and is open to all members in good standing. Learn more at

Mike Klemm, PDGC, Update

Mike Klemm, PDGC, Update

Mike Klemm, PDGC, Update

October 21, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

As many of you know, last year the District Lodge 141 membership proposed, and the 2015 District Lodge 141 Convention delegates approved, many bylaw amendments.

Those bylaw changes were then put to the entire membership for a referendum vote in December, 2015. One of the amendments approved by the membership changed the required number of Local Lodge endorsements to run for an elected District 141 Officer position from four to 10. Despite the fact that this bylaw amendment passed overwhelmingly, the Department of Labor (DOL) has informed District Lodge 141 that the federal agency believes it violates the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).

I realize this must frustrate many IAM members who feel their democratic right to vote on how their District should be run is being taken away from them. However, as President of District 141, along with the entire District 141 Executive Board, I feel it is imperative that we be in full compliance with federal law.

Therefore, we will amend the District bylaws so that our great district is in compliance with the LMRDA. Then, all District Officer positions will be up for nomination and election in 2018 during the normal election cycle, and every four years thereafter.

Most importantly, I am proud to say the DOL found no election violations, and absent their concern regarding the requirement to attain 10 local lodge endorsements, our locals conducted a flawless nomination process. In direct discussion with the DOL they made it clear that they did not need any protest to object to the increase. The DOL would have ruled we were not in compliance with LMRDA guidelines regardless. So, congratulations to all local lodge officers for running a well-executed nomination process.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



Mike Klemm
President Directing General Chair
IAMAW District Lodge 141 

EAP Newsletter

EAP Newsletter

Recently, Kathy Ferguson and Victor Acosta, District 141 and Paul Schultz and Stephanie Starks District 142 responded to the Orlando Night club shooting. We had many members affected – the team spent time with the members who were directly affected and also those members who knew people that had been there. Thanks to Kathy, Victor, Paul and Stephanie, we were able to address the needs of those who wanted immediate help and follow up with the folks who will utilize continuing services.

The July EAP Helping Hands monthly newsletter is about caregiving this month. To read this edition and past editons visit: Helping Hands

IAM Wins $1 Million Grant for Hazardous Material Training

IAM Wins $1 Million Grant for Hazardous Material Training

Fourteen new IAM CREST Associate Instructors from Districts 141 and 142 completed a train-the-trainer program on transporting dangerous goods in the airline industry.

Approximately 6,300 TCU-IAM airline and railroad workers will receive training in transporting hazardous materials thanks to a nearly $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The grant also includes training for TWU airline workers.

The grant is the largest ever for IAM CREST, the Corporation for Reemployment and Safety Training, and will teach 90 members how to train thousands more workers on the hazards of storing, shipping, loading and unloading dangerous goods in the airline and railroad industries.

IAM members should contact their Local or District Safety and Health Committees to be considered to become trainers.

“The health and safety of our members is always paramount,” said IAM Safety and Health Director Jim Reid. “It’s incumbent upon us and employers to make sure our members have the proper training to go to work and return home safely every day. This grant will help us work to achieve that.”

Since 2008, IAM CREST has been the beneficiary of a DOT Pipeline Hazardous Material Safety Administration grant to provide airline workers with training from IAM CREST instructors. In 2014, the grant was expanded to include railroad workers. The latest grant supports existing training through employers not in duplication of those efforts.

District 141 Retirees

The number of retirees in the IAM doubled over the past decade and continues to grow.


Excellent Retiree benefit and services programs can be found on the IAM Grand Lodge web site. They are designed to fill Medicare gaps, provide benefits that Medicare doesn’t cover and replace healthcare coverage withdrawn or reduced by employers.

The present Medicare benefit mix includes: Dental, Vision & Hearing Plan Medicare Supplement Insurance Long Term Care Insurance Medicare D Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Discount Mail Service Prescriptions.

The IAM Grand Lodge Community Services and Retirees Department works with the Alliance for Retired Americans and other seniors’ groups to ensure a good retirement for our members.

IAM National Pension Plan

Retirement Security presented by AFL-CIO

For questions:

Member Discounts


Support the Guide Dogs of America, the IAMAW DL141 Charity of choice! Shop Here

Joseph W. Jones, Sr., was refused a guide dog because of his age – he was fifty seven – but he would not accept defeat. He researched the Guide Dog Movement and with the help of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, established his own school, one that would provide guide dogs free of charge to visually impaired people regardless of their age.


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