IAM141 Educators Shop Steward Training in Denver

JATSC Ground Safety Training Conference
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
The IAM Joint Air Transport Safety Committee will hold its annual Ground Safety Training Conference at the William W. Winpisinger Technology Center. The conference will be held August 28, 29, 30 with travel days on August 27 and August 31 2018.
This year’s conference is sponsored by the IAM Joint Air Transport Safety Committee (JATSC) and will be a combined Ground Safety Conference with Districts 140 and 142. Based on our alliance with the Transport Workers Union (TWU), we have invited safety representatives from their group along with representatives from each airline’s Corporate Safety. Our theme this year is:
Learn it, Live it, Share it
We request Locals send current and prospective Ground Safety Committee members. We would like to have at least one representative from each Local attend the conference.
All attendees MUST be registered with the District 141 office NO LATER THAN August 1, 2018. Contact Ann Clifford at 847-640-2222, FAX 800-630-2640 or email at: aclifford@iam141.org.
Registration forms will be mailed separately and will arrive as soon as they are available.
This committee serves a critical and important role for our membership and the industry.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and action on this request.
San Diego Machinist Training
This week IAM members from American and United Airlines took part in going through training at their local lodge. District 141 AGC Terry Stansbury and the 141 Education Instructors were on hand to guide the members thru the training program. EAP 141 Regional Rep Ron Robinson also gave a presentation to the class.
IAM141 Shop Education for Local 1044 Pittsburg and Local 1725 Charlotte
IAM141 Education Training at EWR & LAS
This week IAM District 141 had several education classes around the country in Newark NJ and Las Vegas Nevada. Watch the video and hear from several IAM members talk about the good information they received from the instructors.