Brothers and Sisters,

The full negotiating committees met with Association attorneys in December to prepare our Scope proposals followed by a sub-committee meeting in Washington D.C. the week of January 2nd to the 5th, along with the Association legal team to finalize these Scope proposals.

The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C. The Executive Committee presented our proposals and positions on Scope articles for all Association Classifications to the company. This is another important step that will ultimately bring the parties closer to resolutions on the remaining critical economic topics.

Additionally, the parties had dialogue and narrowed the gaps on MLS/M&R overtime opportunity distribution procedures and the unpaid LOA matrix charts for all groups.

Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on:
Reduction in Force- MCT
Reduction in Force – MTS
ASAP (Aviation Safety Action Program) Letter of Agreement- M&R -MLS

The future negotiating calendar is as follows:
January 22- DCA
February 12- DCA
February 19- DCA


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes, Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley, Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny, Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson, Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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