EAP Peer Coordinators:

We focus on resilience this week. The “stay in place” orders have been in place for anywhere from 3-6 weeks. The Coronavirus has taken a large toll on everyone. We may not realize how deeply it has affected us for quite a while.
People are starting to get anxious about when “normalcy” will be restored. Surviving all of this will require us to be resilient. We address what resiliency is and how to build resilience in this issue.
Many of you have had coronavirus impact your workplace. Because of the social distancing rules and quarantine guidelines, most of the ways in which we respond to the needs of our co-workers is not possible. Please know those simple conversations on the phone, kind texts or e-mails or other appropriate ways of communicating your concern are very impactful in our current situation.
I am grateful for all of you and your empathy and compassion in the workplace. All of this builds resiliency.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
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