Agreements that Define
Commercial Aviation.
IAM Contracts provide the highest pay, the best job security and the best work rules in the airline industry. Without exception.
These agreements did not come easy. They were all created thanks entirely to the vision, hard work, and solidarity of IAM members in the airline industry. These legally-binding contracts help to protect our wages, our safety, and our future. They ensure that airline workers like us are given the respect that we deserve at work.
All Machinist and Aerospace Workers Association Contracts are designed by airline workers. They are voted on and ratified by airline workers. And, they are enforced by airline workers.

Official Documents

Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada
Unified Airline Workers Gather in NevadaLAS VEGAS - The 2024 Machinists Union District 141 Committee Conference kicked off today in Las Vegas, bringing together over 200 union activists, leaders, and grievance committee members from across the United States.Unified...
Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill
Machinists Union Named as "Top 500 Most Influential" on Capitol HillWASHINGTON - Our leading voice on Capitol Hill, IAM National Political and Legislative Director Hasan Solomon, has been recognized as one of Washington D.C.’s 500 most influential people of 2024! The...
Machinists Union International President Brian Bryant Appointed to President Biden’s Export Council
IAM Union International President Brian Bryant Appointed to President Biden’s Export CouncilWASHINGTON DC - Brian Bryant, International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), has been appointed by President...

Improve the Industry With Us.
Existing contracts are great, but there’s still more work to be done. Tell your negotiators what you need them to fight for in upcoming negotiations.
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1 (847) 640-2222