The Association

The Association

January 20, 2017


The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of January 16th in Dallas/Fort Worth.

This week the Association received the following counter proposals:

Reduction in Force – there are substantial issues that need to be resolved prior to achieving an agreement.

Voluntary Furlough – the remaining outstanding issues were resolved.

Limited Duty – we realize the importance of this article and are committed to enhancing the language to protect the membership.

One Station Complex (TWU) – this article is contingent upon other articles being negotiated and those talks continue.

The Association passed the following counter proposals to the company and are awaiting their response:

  • Hours of Work
  • Vacations
  • Limited Duty

Following productive dialogue, we reached a TA on Voluntary Furlough.

Current TA’s:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments Voluntary Furlough

Our next negotiating session is scheduled for next week of in Orlando.


Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

The Association

Association Leadership To Expedite Outstanding Joint Contract Economic Issues

Association Leadership To Expedite Outstanding Joint Contract Economic Issues

January 13, 2017

Top level TWU/IAM Association leadership will be joining ongoing joint contract negotiations with American Airlines to expedite outstanding economic issues.

“The time is now for Association members to achieve the fair contract they deserve,” said Association Chair and Vice Chair Sito Pantoja and Harry Lombardo, respectively. “Association Negotiating Committees have been bargaining hard for over a year now and the membership has already enjoyed some of the benefits of their hard work. We have more work to do and we are committed to directing all the Association’s resources, including our direct involvement, to bring these negotiations to conclusion.”

The TWU-IAM Association began joint contract negotiations with American Airlines in November, 2015. In August of last year, Association Negotiating Committees reached agreement on an interim wage agreement, which provided wage hikes of approximately 25 percent.

Negotiations will follow the previously announced January schedule. Specific dates for the leadership to enter the discussions have not yet been determined.

The Association

Neutral Javits Issues Initial Integrated Seniority Lists At American Airlines

Neutral Javits Issues Initial Integrated Seniority Lists At American Airlines

December 27, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The TWU-IAM Association today announced that Neutral Joshua Javits issued his Report and Recommendations and initial integrated seniority lists for the Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores work groups at American Airlines.

In June, the Association retained the services of Neutral Javits, former Chairman of the National Mediation Board and member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Association’s Seniority Integration Committee’s work and to resolve identified issues and differences that required expert attention to reach a fair and equitable integration of seniority lists. Neutral Javits’ Report and Recommendations and initial integrated seniority lists—created in accordance with earlier seniority integration agreements—reflect this comprehensive analysis and explain how the seniority lists are integrated.

During the fact-finding stage of Neutral Javits’ comprehensive analysis, TWU-IAM Association members submitted 836 detailed comments. Additionally, Neutral Javits met with and received remarks from the TWU-IAM negotiators and the Seniority Integration Committee. All of these comments were carefully deliberated by Neutral Javits and guided how he grappled with the more intricate and highly complex aspects of the seniority integration process.

Integrating seniority lists is the most important issue that affects our membership in an airline merger. The TWU-IAM Association and Neutral Javits have undertaken this seniority integration process with great care and deliberation so that all Association members at American Airlines are treated fairly and equitably.

All Association members will have until February 10, 2017 to protest in writing his or her placement on the initial integrated seniority lists in accordance with the process and requirements set forth in the accompanying communication from Neutral Javits. All protests must be received on or before February 10th. Final integrated seniority lists will be issued after all protests are considered.

Visit to view the Javits Report and Recommendations, the Report Summary and Chart with instructions on how to file a protest and all initial integrated seniority lists.

The Association

The Association Fleet Update

The Association Fleet Update

December 16, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of December 12th in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The company presented the following proposals to the union this week:

  • Vacations – No tentative agreement was reached as the remaining issues include the number of vacation weeks and accrual formula.
  • Hours of Work – No tentative agreement was reached as the remaining issues include the scheduling of part-timers and adverse weather conditions.

The union presented the following proposals to the company this week:

  • Reduction in Force
  • Recall
  • Voluntary Furlough
  • One Station Complex Agreement (TWU)

While recognizing the similarities of intent, the differences in application are vastly different in the two contracts. The company’s proposals didn’t provide the protections needed for our members.

The company did not respond to the following articles in this week’s negotiating session.

  • Recognition of Rights and Compliance
  • Holidays
  • Sick Time

Current TAs:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments

Our next negotiating sessions are scheduled for the weeks of January 16th in Dallas and January 23rd in Orlando.


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes, Steve Miller,

Tim Murphy, Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Update

Fleet Service Update

Fleet Service Update

November 18, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Fleet Service Committee met with American Airlines this week in DFW.

This week, we focused on overtime and vacations, and during this session we exchanged multiple proposals and held several lengthy deliberations. We understand that these articles are very important to the membership and the complexity of the two separate agreements requires extensive attention to detail in the language proposed.  While we have not reached tentative agreements with the company, we have reduced the outstanding issues in these articles.

In the meantime, the company has not responded to the following articles for an extended period of time:

  • Recognition of Rights and Compliance – The company wants to reserve the right to direct or assign our work under certain circumstances, without the direction of a Crew Chief/Lead.
  • Holidays – The rate of pay and the number of holidays are the outstanding issues in this article.
  • Sick Time – We remain apart on the number of sick days accrued each year and the accrual bank balance.
  • Part-Time – The company wants to base the part-time ratio on the total number of fleet service employees versus the total number of full-time employees.

Current TAs:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments

The following negotiation dates have been scheduled for the remainder of this year:

  • Week of December 5th – DCA
  • Week of December 12th – LAS

Negotiations have been scheduled for the following dates in January:

  • Week of January 16th – DFW
  • Week of January 23rd – MCO

November 13, 2016 – United Airlines IAM Members:

United Airlines Members receive a negotiated wage increase on November 13, 2016. This is part of a contract that will provide approximately 30% higher wages overall.

The Association

The Association Update

The Association Update

November 11, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Fleet Service Committee met with American Airlines this week in Las Vegas. The company presented their plan and implementation for cross utilization to Maintenance and Related.   In continued solidarity, we supported our Association brothers and sisters until there was a satisfactory understanding between the company and the Union.

We received counter proposals from the company and drafted and finalized our responses to a number of articles that will be passed in our next session.  There was movement by the company, which further narrowed the outstanding issues on Vacations and Overtime.  We also received a proposal regarding One Station Complex Agreements, which is currently in the TWU contract.  The committee will evaluate this proposal and its potential effects regarding reduction in force and recall.

The following negotiation dates have been scheduled for the remainder of this year:

  • Week of November 14th – DFW
  • Week of December 5th – DCA
  • Week of December 12th – LAS

In addition, the scheduling committee met with the company and secured the following dates in January:

  • Week of January 16th – DFW
  • Week of January 23rd – MCO


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Steve Miller, Brian Oyer,

Pat Rezler, Art Risley, Andre Sutton,

Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson, Tim Murphy