The Association

The Association

Executive Session Negotiations Continue

American negotiations continued this week in Washington, DC. By mutual agreement, the Chairperson of the National Mediation Board (NMB), Linda Puchala, joined our negotiations. The purpose of entering Executive level negotiations is to bring the talks to a successful conclusion and to the degree the NMB can assist in that goal, Ms. Puchala is welcomed.

The conditions set forth in agreeing to NMB participation is that the parties (the Company and the Association) will set their own meeting schedule that is not dependent on the availability of the NMB representative and that there be no interference with the Association communications to our TWU and IAM members.

The bargaining sessions this week focused on some of the difficult language issues that have been left open during the negotiations up to this point. The Association participants in these talks vigorously defended the positions laid forth in our ongoing negotiations. Progress at the table has occurred with some success. While some critical items have been addressed and general agreement has been signaled by the parties, we know full well that a total agreement must include economic agreements that are satisfactory to our negotiators.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume May 22nd with additional sessions scheduled after that week.

These joint negotiators remain fully committed to bringing the best contract in the industry for a vote of our membership. Your solidarity and support are both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve that goal. Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny

Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson

Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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The Association

The Association

Executive level negotiations took place in Washington, DC this week. Chief negotiators for the TWU-IAM Associations met with negotiators from American Airlines to advance our discussions in efforts toward concluding our contract discussions. All negotiating committee members were fully briefed on the sessions and continue to be involved with input and ongoing language development.

While overall economic issues remain to be covered in future bargaining sessions, several important sticking points were discussed. The discussions between the parties were positive and, at this first Executive level of talks, serious consideration was given to resolution of those issues. We are awaiting the content of the discussions to be put to language that we are hopeful represents agreements and leads to more significant forward movement.

The next scheduled negotiations are set for the week of April 17th. The parties are coordinating schedules for sessions after that week.

There is one source of official communications regarding these negotiations – that is those issued jointly by the TWU and IAM through this Association. Disregard all other rumors and treat the company’s road shows as entertaining events the company pays you to watch. Negotiations only occur at the bargaining table, not in the breakrooms.

Keep your solidarity. It is the power we will use to achieve the industry-best contracts we strive for.


Fleet Negotiating Committee:

Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny

Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson

Rollie Reaves, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength

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The Association

The Association

Brothers and Sisters:

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of March 6th in Dallas, Ft. Worth.

This week the Association received the following counter proposals:

Hours of Work

The Association passed the following counter proposal to the company:

  • Hours of Work
  • Overtime

There was considerable table discussions with the Company on the applications in the Overtime article with the Negotiation Committee still awaiting a response to our Vacation proposal.

The committee reached a TA on the Hours of Work article.

Current TA’s:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments Voluntary Furlough Hours of Work

Our next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of the 27th of March in Washington D.C.


Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

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The Association

The Association Fleet Bulletin

February 24, 2017

Brothers and Sisters:

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during
the week of February 20th in Dallas/Fort Worth.

This week the Association received the following counter proposals:

? Hours of Work – upon receipt we studied the company’s proposal at
length and formulated our detailed response
The Association worked on the following proposals to the company to pass
in the upcoming session:
? Hours of Work
? Reduction in Force
? Overtime

Our next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of March 6th in
Dallas/Fort Worth.


Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes,
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

The Association

The Association

February 17, 2017

Brothers and Sisters:

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company
during the week of February 13th in Orlando Florida.

This week the Association received the following counter proposals:

Vacations – Substantial progress was made and the article has been tabled
for the Association Executive Council.

Reductions In Force – This proposed article captured the majority of the
union’s concerns and has also been tabled for the Association Executive

The Association passed the following counter proposal to the company and
are awaiting their response:

? Hours of Work

This article has prompted additional discussion for the manner of
application, which we have narrowed to three outstanding items.
The committee further worked on part time meal periods.

Current TA’s:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay
and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments Voluntary Furlough

Our next two negotiating sessions are scheduled for the weeks of 20
February and 6 March in Dallas / Ft. Worth.


Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes,
Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,
Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

The Association

The Association

January 27, 2017

The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of January 23, 2017.

This week the Association worked on the following proposals:

Reduction in Force – The proposal was passed from the Union to the Company. After much dialog, we are now awaiting the company’s response.

Limited Duty – We reached a tenetative agreement on this article.

Vacations- We had table conversation and are awaiting a response from the company.

Hours of Work- The company passed the article to the Union and we are working on our response.

Current TA’s:

Shift Differential Preamble Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem
Grievance Procedures Leaves of Absence Meal Periods
Representation Field Work System Board of Adjustment
Uniforms Absence from Duty No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty Bulletin Boards Probation
Safety and Health Purpose of Agreement Termination of Employment
Shift Trades Furlough Benefits Work Schedules
Temporary Assignments Voluntary Furlough Limited Duty


Future dates for negotiating sessions are being finalized at this time.


Mark Baskett, William Fa, Mike Fairbanks, Tim Hughes

Steve Miller, Tim Murphy, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson