Victor Perez and Local 811 supporting workers in downtown Houston

The sacrifices made by all those who sacrificed their lives at the Haymarket Demonstrations in Chicago made it possible for all of us to have lives outside of work. The 8 hour day, weekends, and overtime did not exist before the 1886 demonstrations on May 4th, 1886.

THANK YOU to everyone that participated in this series, and to all the local lodges in Texas (and beyond) that contributed.

The Most Important Safety Tool is Information

The Most Important Safety Tool is Information


To help collect the kind of information that can create a safer workplace, United and Hawaiian Airlines use a program called “GSAP.” (“Ground Operations Safety Action Program.”)

The GSAP allows employees to report safety concerns directly to Federal regulators and company decision makers who can then track injuries, their causes and suggest potential fixes. GSAP reporting is a great tool, that has put the power to enforce safety rules back into the hands of front-line workers.

But what about airlines that do not have a GSAP as an option for their workers?

IAM Members that do not have GSAP reporting at their airline can now report injuries, unsafe facilities or equipment and other safety related concerns to safety experts at District 141. This can be done with the UnionSafe program.

The UnionSafe reporting program, developed at Local 1776 (PHL), tracks injuries and safety complaints at member airlines around the nation. The program works like this:


An airline employee sees unsafe equipment or conditions at work, and reports their concerns to a supervisor immediately.


To make sure that the issue is recorded and tracked, the employee can use their smartphone to send the information (including a photo) anonymously to the UnionSafe website.


The information will be stored and tracked by IAM members. If needed, it can be used in Grievance hearings, OSHA complaints and other safety actions.

The data collected in the UnionSafe program is already making airline work safer for thousands of IAM members, and can offer valuable safety tools when a GSAP is not available.

Learn more at

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IAM Local 1759 Training

IAM Local 1759 Training

Three important training classes, the Advanced Shop Steward, Initial Shop Steward and the Committee Workshop took place this week at Local 1759. Over 45 IAM members came to the Advanced class with 14 more new Shop stewards took the initial class. Overall the programs were very successful for Local 1759’s Stewards and Committee.


Produced by the Communication Department of IAMAW District Lodge 141. For more news and videos visit IAM141 on Facebook and Youtube.

New Officers of Local 1731

New Officers of Local 1731

New Officers of Local 1731 in Cleveland had the help of District Lodge 141 Education team Instructors Warren Glenn VP District 141, Instructor Alice Potter AA SLC and Education Director Mac McGovern. The class ran this past Tuesday the 28th and in this video comments are heard from John Cawley President of 1731

Produced by the Communication Department of IAMAW District Lodge 141

For more news and videos visit IAM141 on Facebook and Youtube