Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

May 13, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Committee met with American Airlines during the week of May 9th in Washington, D.C.

The company still has not provided us with any new proposals on the articles from our openers in December 2015. They have also not responded with counter- proposals to any of the outstanding articles. The only thing American Airlines management has done is continue to propose unacceptably weak contract language in articles throughout the agreement, and we will continue to reject such proposals.

This week, the Association Fleet Committee offered the following counter- proposals:

• We have made our counter proposal on Shift Trades to provide enhancements for the membership.

• We countered the company’s proposal on Hours of Work, and after several table discussions, the company is reviewing our language.

• We countered the company’s proposal on Work Schedules, and after several table discussions, the company is reviewing our proposal.

• We informed the company that we are not interested in Temporary Employees and our position has not changed to eliminate this provision. The company is currently unwilling to move from their position, with arguments that are baseless and contentious.

• The company has refused to change their position on the Sick Leave article. Your committee refuses to allow the company to treat us like second-class citizens regarding this important aspect of our contract.

Your committee received a visit from TWU International President and Association Vice Chair, Harry Lombardo, on Tuesday. He addressed the committee with his thoughts, and restated his commitment and support to the Association and these negotiations. While several articles remain unresolved, rest assured we will continue to fight for the best possible agreement for the members: we refuse to back down.

Our future Fleet negotiations dates and locations are as follows:

May 16 July 25 June 20
May 23 August 22 July 18
June 13 August 29
June 27
August 1
August 8



Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

April 29, 2016

The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met this week with American Airlines in Washington, DC.

  • To date, the Association Fleet Committee has exchanged the following proposals with the company:
    • Sick Leave – Your committee exchanged its counter proposal to the company and is awaiting a response.
    • Temporary Employees – The parties previously exchanged proposals on this article and we remain far apart from an acceptable resolution.  The Committee has tabled this article for additional discussion.
    • Recognition of Rights – We have exchanged multiple proposals on this article and have made no headway with the company.  The article has been tentatively agreed to by the Maintenance and Related/Stores Committee, yet the company is proposing different language for the Fleet Service classification. This is not acceptable. We have tabled this article for additional discussion.
    • Hours of Service – We have received the company’s counter proposal on this article, which they included in Work Schedules.  The Committee’s position is that we will keep these as two separate articles. The company’s proposal also included shift trade language and we are working on our counter proposal.
    • The company did not provide us with any new counter proposals on the outstanding articles from our opening pass in December 2015.
  • This week, the Fleet Committee reached tentative agreement on the following article:
    • Grievance Procedures – After months of battling with the company, your Committee has achieved tentative agreement regarding this article that will give members additional protections.
  • Thus far, the Association Fleet Committee has tentative agreement on the following Articles:

Shift Differential

Leaves of Absence

Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem

Grievance Procedures

Field Work

Meal Periods


Absence from Duty

System Board of Adjustment


Bulletin Boards

No Strike No Lockout

Fitness for Duty

Purpose of Agreement


Safety and Health



  • Our future Fleet negotiations dates and locations are as follows:
      • Week of May 9 in DCA
      • Week of May 16 in DFW
      • Week of May 23 in DFW
      • Week of June 13 in DFW
      • Week of June 20 in DCA
      • Week of June 27 in DFW


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

April 14, 2016

Sisters and Brothers:

The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines during the week of April 11th in Dallas. While the Association reconciled each union’s agreements months ago, the company continues to pass proposals containing language that we feel is not in the best interest of our joint membership.

This week, we exchanged the following proposals with the company:

  • Leaves of Absence – The committee made the first pass and finally received a counter- proposal from the company on this article. After several passes, we have made critical improvements to this article.
  • Meal Periods – The committee passed the first proposal on March 23rd. Following six passes back and forth, the committee, after reviewing and making our final proposal, was also able to improve this article.
  • Sick Leave – The committee presented the company with our initial proposal and we are awaiting their response.
  • Temporary Employees – The parties have exchanged initial proposals on this article and have yet to reach an agreement – our views on this particular article are at odds with that of American Airlines, and we are committed to continued negotiations.
  • Hours of Service – The committee passed its proposal on March 24th and we are awaiting the company’s response.

The Fleet Committee reached tentative agreements (TAs) on the following articles:

  • Leaves of Absence – The TA on this article is an improvement upon both current IAM and TWU agreements and addresses many of the concerns expressed by the membership.
  • Meal Periods – The TA on this article is an improvement upon both current IAM and TWU agreements.
  • Shift Differential/Shift Definition–TheTA on this article was reached after multiple passes between the company and the committee.

Future Fleet negotiations dates and locations are as follows:

  • Week of April 25 in DCA
  • Week of May 9 in DCA
  • Week of May 16 in DFW
  • Week of May 23 in DFW
  • Week of June 13 in DFW
  • Week of June 20 in DCA
  • Week of June 27 in DFW


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

American Continue Fleet Service Talks

American Continue Fleet Service Talks

Association, American Continue Fleet Service Talks in New York This Week
Fleet Service Committee Update, March 18, 2016
Sisters and brothers,

The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee and American Airlines continued joint contract negotiations this week in New York. Your Committee exchanged proposals with the Company regarding the following contract articles:

  • System Boards
  • Representation
  • Recognition of Rights and Compliance
  • Field Work
  • Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem

Your Committee reached tentative agreement with the Company on the following articles:

  • System Boards
  • Field Work
  • Representation

We are awaiting the Company’s response to our proposal on Leaves of Absence.

Both the Fleet Service and Mechanic & Related/Stores Negotiating Committees will meet with American the next two weeks in Dallas and we are in the process of finalizing additional dates.

Thank you for your patience and continued solidarity as we work towards achieving the fair contract we all deserve.


Fleet Service Negotiations Update

American Airlines Negotiations

Association, American Airlines Negotiations Continue in Dallas
Fleet Service Committee Update, March 4, 2016
The Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met this week in Dallas/Fort Worth and continued joint contract negotiations with American Airlines.

The Association Fleet Committee passed the following proposals to the company:

  • Uniforms
  • No Strike No Lockout
  • Absence from Duty
  • Leaves of Absence

The Association Fleet Committee reached TA’s with enhancements on the following articles:

  • No Strike No Lockout
  • Absence from Duty
  • Uniforms

The TWU-IAM Association is the largest union at American and your Negotiating Committees remain in solidarity to provide the membership with exceptional contracts for all workgroups.

The next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of March 14th in New York, which will begin 3 consecutive weeks of bargaining.

The Committee remains dedicated to attain the fair joint contract all TWU-IAM members deserve. We will continue to fight for improvements in all articles we discuss.

In closing, your continued support is appreciated and will be necessary as we move forward in negotiations to obtain a new JCBA. Updates to the membership will continue after each session.

In solidarity,

Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

American Airlines Negotiations Continue in Baltimore This Week

The Association, American Airlines negotiations continue in Baltimore the week.

The TWU-IAM Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met this week in Baltimore, MD and continued joint contract negotiations with American Airlines. While the company publicly assures us that its making every effort to move these negotiations forward, the reality is that American Airlines continues to employ some of the oldest tactics in the book to frustrate our negotiating committee.

Rest assured that despite the company’s claims of scheduling conflicts and attempts to propose concessions despite soaring profits, we remain committed to fighting for the best deal for Association members. We’re here, ready to work on your behalf, and we won’t settle for anything but the contract you deserve.

This week at the bargaining table, we tentatively agreed to provisions regarding bulletin boards and fitness for duty language, and exchanged proposals on grievance procedures and uniforms. We are still awaiting American’s response to our representation proposal.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for the week of February 29th, after which we will provide another update on our progress. As always, we appreciate your continued support and patience as we navigate this complicated negotiation process.

In solidarity

Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller, 

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley, 

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson