United Ground Express Resource Page

30,000 Machinists Union Members at United Reach Historic Deal

United Ground Express

United Ground Express is a company owned by United Airlines, helping with many ground operations tasks across the United States. This partnership helps manage resources and make operations run smoothly within a strict set of agreements between United management and unified employees within UGE and United Airlines.

Hard-working United Ground Express employees help create a reliable travel experience for passengers, ensuring their travel needs are met professionally and courteously. 

United Airlines and United Ground Express each have their own roles within the larger company structure. They must follow strict rules and regulations that govern unified workplaces within the airline industry.

Contractually-protected work at United Airlines cannot be performed by any workgroup other than those covered by the various United CBA’s. However, United Ground Express workers will be given preferential hiring considerations over applicants from the street if they seek employment at United Airlines. 

JetBlue Election Update – Your Questions, Answered

JetBlue Election Update – Your Questions, Answered

JetBlue Union Vote Update - Your Questions AnsweredOrganizing11 October 2022Now that we filed for an election, what happens next? The National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal agency that handles representation elections in the airline industry, has ordered JetBlue...

Rising Power: Union Growth Has Wings, Report Finds

Rising Power: Union Growth Has Wings, Report Finds

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is the Federal Agency that regulates Unions outside the air and rail transport industries. Rising Power: Union Growth Has Wings, Report FindsOrganizing7 October 2022The Machinists Union held its Grand Lodge Convention in Las...

IAM / JetBlue Union Vote Update

IAM / JetBlue Union Vote Update

JetBlue Union Vote UpdateOrganizing5 October 2022Union Vote Update: Timeline and Our Rights  As you know, the IAM filed an application with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, to conduct a union representation vote on Friday, September 23, 2022. On...

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IAMAW District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139


1 (847) 640-2222