Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines Transition Agreement
This agreement details how Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will combine their operations and employees after their merger, with support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).
This agreement covers seniority integration, job protections, and new labor agreements to ensure a smooth transition while safeguarding employee rights. It also includes steps for resolving disputes and handling merger-related costs, emphasizing fairness and efficiency for all parties involved.
United Airlines Negotiations Update
United Contract Negotiations Update20 August 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations for seven different contracts last week in Chicago, Illinois. The District 141 Maintenance Instructors...
$500 Fine for Employer Behind Gruesome Teenage Amputation Incident
Owner of US Guys Processing, Darin Wilbur. Wilbur was found guilty in a criminal case of child...
Summer Storms and Short-Staffing Cause Massive Travel Disruptions
On Monday, storms impacting the East Coast, stretching from Tennessee to New York, led to nearly...
More Info About the ‘That MF’s Not Real’ Airplane Incident
By now, everyone in the airline industry knows about the "That MF's Not Real" Incident that...
Association Update: Attendance Policy and Holiday Pay Arbitrations
Recording Secretaries - Please print and post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards. GET PRINTABLE COPY...

Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines Transition Agreement
This agreement details how Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will combine their operations and employees after their merger, with support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).
This agreement covers seniority integration, job protections, and new labor agreements to ensure a smooth transition while safeguarding employee rights. It also includes steps for resolving disputes and handling merger-related costs, emphasizing fairness and efficiency for all parties involved.

United Airlines Negotiations Update
United Contract Negotiations Update20 August 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 negotiating team...
Study: More Workers Demand Employers Pay at Least $76k
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has released the results of a survey that analyzed the experiences of individuals during their job search. The survey had a sample size of over 1,000 respondents and was conducted from October 2020 to March 2021. Study: More...
New Bill Promises Living Wages and Benefits for Airport Workers
Washington D.C.: A new proposed law called the "Good Jobs for Good Airports Act" aims to ensure airport service workers in the United States receive a living wage and important benefits like health care. The law would help create fair working conditions for airport...
30,000 Machinists Union Members at United Reach Tentative Agreement
30,000 Machinists Union Members at United Reach Tentative AgreementOn March 29, we informed you that we reached an Agreement in Principle (AIP) with United Airlines on seven contracts covering over 29,000 IAM members at United Airlines. We're happy to inform you that...
If you need higher-rez images for printing, etc, please contact Eric Price at EPrice@IAM141.org
Created and maintained by IAMAW District 141. Contact Eric Price (EPrice@IAM141.org) for corrections or suggestions.
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1 (847) 640-2222