Can you help bring union rights to your workplace? Yes, you can. Find out how.
Frank Giannola
Director of Membership Services,
IAMAW District 141
Text / Cell
(954) 298- 9138
Email Address
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is the largest and most successful organization of aerospace and transportation workers in North America.
We have created safer airlines, higher wages, and more secure jobs. Together, we have virtually eliminated outsourcing, controlled health care costs… and we have protected one of the last remaining true pensions in the United States.

United Negotiations Update
United Contract Negotiations...
Honoring Their Sacrifice
Honoring Their SacrificeDear...
Machinists Union Applauds the Passage of the FAA Reauthorization Bill
Machinists Union Applauds...
The Dawn of the Machinists Union
The Dawn of the Machinists...
Reality Check: The Fallacy of “Just Save More” and Why Union Protections Matter More Than Ever
Reality Check: The Fallacy...
Union Members at O’Hare Walk Out on Kirby; Sick and Tired of the Same Old Lip Service
Union Members at O'Hare Walk...
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