Association Update

 This will serve as the official update to the Association membership for M&R, MLS, MCT, MTS, and Fleet Service.  September 13, 2024  To Association Fleet Sisters and Brothers, The Association Fleet sub committee met with AA leadership on September 12th to discuss...

Association Update

 This will serve as the official update to the Association membership for M&R, MLS, MCT, MTS, and Fleet Service.   August 29, 2024  All Association Members:  This will serve as the official update to the Association membership for M&R, MLS, MCT, MTS, and Fleet...

Association Update

Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...