Flight Attendants Stand with JetBlue Ground Operations

Dear GO crewmembers:

Flight Attendants across the industry count you as family. We are inspired that you are voting to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and our labor movement.

We have power together! Organized through our unions, we can negotiate to share in the profits we create at our airlines. You have the commitment of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, 50,000 members strong at 19 airlines, to stand with you every step of the way to a successful vote and your first contract at JetBlue.

Make sure you have a plan to get your vote registered for the IAM before voting closes on February 1, 2023. The IAM is a great union and you have so much to gain with IAM membership. We can’t wait to celebrate with you and work together for our future.

Vote to gain the right to negotiate for a contract with protections in black and white. Executives wouldn’t agree to do their jobs without a negotiated contract that confirms their pay and benefits; we shouldn’t either. Management makes promises about taking care of employees and doing “the right thing” for them. Even if you take management at their word, we know executives come and go in this industry along with their word. That’s why eighty percent of airline workers have chosen the protection of a union contract. A legally binding contract provides certainty and enables us to own our work.

We don’t need to tell you what a difference frontline workers make for our airlines. We are owed the respect of a union contract for our valuable contributions. We are not motivated by golden parachutes that pay whether we perform our jobs well or not; we are moved by the pride we take in a job well done, the means to provide for our families, and the joy we feel when taking care of others.

Unions allow us to take care of each other. We use our collective power to negotiate fair wages, humane schedules, health and safety on the job, and all the benefits of a union contract.

There is so much that may seem out of our control today, but there is a lot that can change for the better if we recognize the power of standing together. Growing inequality and corporate greed needs to be put in check. And that’s exactly what we will do together. Think about the power we have together as aviation workers. We have more public contact than almost any other industry, and we are the backbone of the whole economy. That’s a lot of power if we choose to use it.

Choose to gain the power of joining together for a strong future at JetBlue by voting to join the IAM.

Always remember, we are Stronger and Better Together.

In Solidarity,

Sara Nelson, 
International President, 
Association of Flight Attendants

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Flight Attendants Stand with JetBlue Ground Operations

Dear GO crewmembers:

Flight Attendants across the industry count you as family. We are inspired that you are voting to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and our labor movement. We have power together! Organized through our unions, we can negotiate to share in the profits we create at our airlines. You have the commitment of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, 50,000 members strong at 19 airlines, to stand with you every step of the way to a successful vote and your first contract at JetBlue.

Make sure you have a plan to get your vote registered for the IAM before voting closes on February 1, 2023. The IAM is a great union and you have so much to gain with IAM membership. We can’t wait to celebrate with you and work together for our future.

Vote to gain the right to negotiate for a contract with protections in black and white. Executives wouldn’t agree to do their jobs without a negotiated contract that confirms their pay and benefits; we shouldn’t either. Management makes promises about taking care of employees and doing “the right thing” for them. Even if you take management at their word, we know executives come and go in this industry along with their word. That’s why eighty percent of airline workers have chosen the protection of a union contract. A legally binding contract provides certainty and enables us to own our work.

We don’t need to tell you what a difference frontline workers make for our airlines. We are owed the respect of a union contract for our valuable contributions. We are not motivated by golden parachutes that pay whether we perform our jobs well or not; we are moved by the pride we take in a job well done, the means to provide for our families, and the joy we feel when taking care of others.

Unions allow us to take care of each other. We use our collective power to negotiate fair wages, humane schedules, health and safety on the job, and all the benefits of a union contract.

There is so much that may seem out of our control today, but there is a lot that can change for the better if we recognize the power of standing together. Growing inequality and corporate greed needs to be put in check. And that’s exactly what we will do together. Think about the power we have together as aviation workers. We have more public contact than almost any other industry, and we are the backbone of the whole economy. That’s a lot of power if we choose to use it.

Choose to gain the power of joining together for a strong future at JetBlue by voting to join the IAM.

Always remember, we are Stronger and Better Together.

In Solidarity,

Sara Nelson,
International President,
Association of Flight Attendants

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