2022: A Year of Service to the Community
I hope you are all doing well and that 2022 brings you blessings. Staying safe and healthy is first and foremost. The uptick of the new Covid variant has made some of the work you all do more challenging, and know that remaining healthy and safe is a priority.
We had some phenomenal donations to Guide Dogs of America during the annual banquet in November 2021- BRAVO to all those locals that made very generous donations despite the difficulty in hosting events during Covid-19.
The Holidays were made JOYFUL, and many children have been blessed through the work of many Local Lodges along with the generous donations from our members. Hat’s off to all who participated. If you helped make the world a better place during the Holidays but haven’t shared your photos or a recap of what took place yet, please do so now- that way, we can highlight your area.
Ideas and motivation- does anyone need any inspiration to kick off a Drive or Event?
Does anyone have anything they would like to share as an idea?
We welcome all thoughts or even obstacles that we can assist in overcoming challenges and enhancing your events.
One question that has come up over the past year is whether or not two or more local lodges can join forces and help other locals with things like food and clothing drives. And the answer is YES! It would be great to work in tandem with other locals. This has been happening in some areas, and we would love to see more of it. If anyone is interested in that, please let me know, and I can facilitate that.
With all the areas we serve, many are in need. So let’s share our feedback and keep on serving our communities. Nothing is too small when helping those in need.
As always, Guide dogs of America is our union’s charity, and hosting an event to raise funds and awareness is always encouraged.
GDA does allow site visits and a tour to our members-showing all they do. If anyone is interested, please feel free to contact me.
Cristina Odoardi Trustee / Community Service Director Codoardi@iam141.org Cell: (617) 593-2963