Tentative Agreement Reached at Hawaiian Airlines
Sisters and Brothers,
We are proud to announce we were able to reach Tentative Agreements with Hawaiian Airlines on both Clerical, Office, Stores, Fleet and Passenger Service and Maintenance and Related groups. Attached are the highlight sheets for the individual agreements. The full tentative agreements will be posted next week after all proofing and edits are completed. We will hold the ratification on February 16th across the entire system. The informational meeting schedule will be posted as soon as we confirm all locations.
We want to thank the membership for their support and patience as we worked on these agreements.
Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends a YES vote.
Mike Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141
District 141
Shannon Robello
Stacey Williams
Meki Pei
Sione Olevao
Arthur Croker
Joy Himuro
Ku’ulei McGuire
Dave Suplee
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 142
District 142
Derek Morto
Robert Hetchman
David Calistro
David Figueira
Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.