SOLIDARITY: Machinists Union Strike Fund
14 March 2022
The IAM Strike Fund allows for donations of non-dues money from members, families, friends, and other labor supporters.
Following the launch of the strike fund, the AFL-CIO added this resource to their active strike map and donation page, which you can view here.

30 Local Lodge 447 Machinists members at Cummins, who have been on strike for four weeks fighting for a fair contract, held a rally this week to spotlight the company’s retrogressive contract demands. The rally drew heavy support from the local community and other union affiliates.
View One Day Longer, One Day Stronger video of the rally here.
“We are here because this company has forgotten how it became successful,” said IAM District 15 Assistant Directing Business Representative Mike Vartabedian. “Even though they made billions of dollars in profit last year, they don’t want to provide wage increases to the people who helped build the company. These Machinists keep the generators working at hospitals and nursing homes. In short, they are the people who fix the engines that drive our economy and support our frontline and emergency workers. They are on strike only because the company doesn’t want guaranteed wages increases going forward. They have the full support of the Machinists Union and the labor movement behind them.”
Cummins, which draws about $20 billion in annual revenue, builds heavy machinery and parts for railroads, trucks, generators, and tractors.
“Local 447 members continue to inspire Machinists and the labor movement with their fortitude and resolve in their fight for a fair and just contract at Cummins,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President Brian Bryant. “With each passing day, they become stronger and more united. All Machinists will continue to fight with them until they are treated fairly by the company.”
The IAM has launched the IAM Strike Fund on to benefit members enduring a strike, creating a way for fellow union members to offer vital assistance and show solidarity with workers forced to go on strike.
Providing additional support to sisters and brothers from across this great union to the mantra of – “one day longer” etches our Fighting Machinists solidarity in stone.
The IAM Strike Fund allows for donations of non-dues money from members, families, friends, and other labor supporters.
Following the launch of the strike fund, the AFL-CIO added this resource to their active strike map and donation page, which you can view here.
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