Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines Transition Agreement
This agreement details how Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will combine their operations and employees after their merger, with support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).
This agreement covers seniority integration, job protections, and new labor agreements to ensure a smooth transition while safeguarding employee rights. It also includes steps for resolving disputes and handling merger-related costs, emphasizing fairness and efficiency for all parties involved.
AA Tentative Agreement Ratification Results
The leadership of the TWU/IAM Association would like to thank you for your unity and participation in the 2024 JCBA Extension Ratification Vote. October 29, 2024 RE: Economic Extension Vote Results Dear TWU-IAM Association Brothers and Sisters: The leadership of the TWU/IAM Association would...
Emirates Hit with $1.8 Million Fine for JetBlue Code Share Flights
Emirates Hit with $1.8 Million Fine for JetBlue Code Share FlightsWASHINGTON - The USDOT has fined...
Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada
Unified Airline Workers Gather in NevadaLAS VEGAS - The 2024 Machinists Union District 141...
Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill
Machinists Union Named as "Top 500 Most Influential" on Capitol HillWASHINGTON - Our leading voice...
Machinists Union International President Brian Bryant Appointed to President Biden’s Export Council
IAM Union International President Brian Bryant Appointed to President Biden’s Export...

Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines Transition Agreement
This agreement details how Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will combine their operations and employees after their merger, with support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).
This agreement covers seniority integration, job protections, and new labor agreements to ensure a smooth transition while safeguarding employee rights. It also includes steps for resolving disputes and handling merger-related costs, emphasizing fairness and efficiency for all parties involved.

AA Tentative Agreement Ratification Results
The leadership of the TWU/IAM Association would like to thank you for your unity and participation in the 2024 JCBA Extension...
Paradise Pups: Golfing for Guide Dogs in Hawaii
Pups in Paradise: Golfing for Guide Dogs in HawaiiThe United Auto Workers are currently engaged in a historic, nationwide strike action in pursuit of fair wages and ending the chronic exploitation of American manufacturing workers. Among the workplace improvements the...
Here’s What Could Happen if UAW Wins a 4-Day Workweek for Automakers
The United Auto Workers are currently engaged in a historic, nationwide strike action in pursuit of fair wages and ending the chronic exploitation of American manufacturing workers. Among the workplace improvements the union is seeking may seem far-fetched: a...
Have Your Say: IAM Committee Wants to Hear from You at Upcoming Listening Sessions
The Future of the IAM is in the hands of its members. That was the message from Machinists Union leadership's first in-person listening session to the union's front-line membership. The meeting, held on May 2 at Local 1297 in Ashland, Ohio, marked the first of many...
If you need higher-rez images for printing, etc, please contact Eric Price at EPrice@IAM141.org
Created and maintained by IAMAW District 141. Contact Eric Price (EPrice@IAM141.org) for corrections or suggestions.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139
1 (847) 640-2222