We are the frontlines of the aviation industry, ensuring the safe, efficient, and seamless transportation of passengers and cargo around the globe. District 141 members play a crucial role in advocating for fair wages, improved working conditions, and robust job security while striving to maintain the highest standards of airline safety and service.

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update29 May 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, we met with United Airlines to set logistics, protocols, and scheduling for our upcoming contract negotiations. Our members have been clear. We are overdue for a comprehensive contract negotiation under the rules...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update29 May 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, we met with United Airlines to set...

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...


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Created and maintained by IAMAW District 141. Contact Eric Price (EPrice@IAM141.org) for corrections or suggestions.