Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines Transition Agreement
This agreement details how Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will combine their operations and employees after their merger, with support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).
This agreement covers seniority integration, job protections, and new labor agreements to ensure a smooth transition while safeguarding employee rights. It also includes steps for resolving disputes and handling merger-related costs, emphasizing fairness and efficiency for all parties involved.
Association Update
This will serve as the official update to the Association membership for M&R, MLS, MCT, MTS, and Fleet Service. September 13, 2024 To Association Fleet Sisters and Brothers, The Association Fleet sub committee met with AA leadership on September 12th to discuss contractual issues unrelated...
A Message from Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen on September 11
Today is a day of great significance and reflection for all of us. Twenty-two years ago, the...
United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam
United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver...
99% Flight Attendants at American Vote to Authorize a Strike
On Wednesday, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) announced that American...
Hurricane Idalia: Emergency Resources
Hurricane Idalia Emergency ResourcesContact your Assistant General Chair or Local Grievance...

Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines Transition Agreement
This agreement details how Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will combine their operations and employees after their merger, with support from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).
This agreement covers seniority integration, job protections, and new labor agreements to ensure a smooth transition while safeguarding employee rights. It also includes steps for resolving disputes and handling merger-related costs, emphasizing fairness and efficiency for all parties involved.

Association Update
This will serve as the official update to the Association membership for M&R, MLS, MCT, MTS, and Fleet Service. September...
Machinists Union Members Ratify Five Contracts with United Airlines
Machinists Union Members Ratify Five Contracts with United AirlinesSisters and Brothers, this evening approximately 29,000 District Lodge 141 members at United Airlines overwhelmingly ratified five contracts in the Fleet Service, Passenger Service, Storekeeper,...
Town Hall Meetings on the Cusp of a Historic Contract Ratification at United
A gathering of Machinists Union Members filed into a Town Hall Meeting to discuss seven new contractual agreements with United Airlines. At more than 50 airports around the nation, Machinists Union members have been gathering in airport Ready Rooms, Local Lodges, and...
Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions
Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers' unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces. The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to...
If you need higher-rez images for printing, etc, please contact Eric Price at EPrice@IAM141.org
Created and maintained by IAMAW District 141. Contact Eric Price (EPrice@IAM141.org) for corrections or suggestions.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139
1 (847) 640-2222