We are the frontlines of the aviation industry, ensuring the safe, efficient, and seamless transportation of passengers and cargo around the globe. District 141 members play a crucial role in advocating for fair wages, improved working conditions, and robust job security while striving to maintain the highest standards of airline safety and service.

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIAM141.org 14 May 2024 In the smoky workshops...

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial...

Ingestion Fatality at SAT Airport Ruled a Suicide

In a tragic incident late Friday night at San Antonio International Airport, a ground crew member, David Renner, 27, lost his life after he was pulled into the engine of a Delta Air Lines plane. Firefighters and police officers responded to the event around 10:25...


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Created and maintained by IAMAW District 141. Contact Eric Price (EPrice@IAM141.org) for corrections or suggestions.