Machinists Union Postpones 40th Grand Lodge Convention to 2022
The IAM Executive Council has voted unanimously to postpone the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention, previously scheduled for September 12-17, 2021 in San Diego. The IAM will immediately begin planning for a 2022 Convention and communicate details as soon as possible.
Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at GOIAM.org who wrote and originally published this story.
A letter will be sent to Local Lodges soon with further information on delegates and constitutional proposals.
The decision to postpone the Convention was made to protect the safety and health of Convention delegates and guests. Further reasons include:
- The IAM’s Canadian delegation would almost certainly be unable to attend the Convention due to current pandemic conditions and restrictions in Canada. Current quarantine requirements for Canadians entering and leaving the United States makes it nearly impossible to seat the Canadian delegation.
- Holding a virtual Convention is not an appropriate substitute and deprives delegates of essential events held with an in-person Convention. A virtual Convention also does not support our Brothers and Sisters in the airline and railroad sectors.
- Adequate social distancing will not allow us to physically seat every eligible delegate.
- California has suggested that a convention of our size may require everyone to be vaccinated or show a negative test. The financial costs and logistics of testing every delegate and guest would be significant.
“Even as we start to return to some level of normalcy, this worldwide pandemic is unprecedented in our lifetimes,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “I am incredibly grateful to the Western Territory Host Committee for all they have done and continue to do to plan for a successful Grand Lodge Convention. While this decision was not made lightly, the safety and health of all the delegates and guests must be first and foremost. We will continue to work toward rescheduling the Convention in 2022.”
“It is unfortunate that the pandemic has prevented us from having a Grand Lodge Convention this year,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “However, we value first and foremost the safety of our Brothers and Sisters. The Western Territory looks forward to hosting a tremendous Grand Lodge Convention in 2022.”

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