Machinists Union District 141 Supports UAL Pilots’ Picket on May 12

ALPA / IAMAW – As union members, we know the importance of solidarity and unity. That’s why we stand with our brothers and sisters at ALPA, who are fighting for a fair contract from United management. They are picketing on Friday, May 12, at all UA hubs to demand Contract First/United Next. We urge all union members to join them and show United management we are solid. Their struggle is our struggle.

The United pilots have been in negotiations for more than five years and are still waiting for a contract reflecting their value and sacrifices. United management’s “United Next” plan cannot happen without a Contract First. They need to respect the pilots who make United fly and who have contributed to United’s success.

We invite all Machinists Union District 141 members and other labor union members to join the United pilots on the picket line as we send a clear message to United management. We will not tolerate any delays or excuses. We demand a contract now.

Below is the list of locations and RSVP links for the picket events. Please click on the link for your location and register your attendance. Links will be updated as more information becomes available concerning each picket.


Let’s show our support and solidarity to the United pilots on May 12. Together, we can make a difference. Contract First/United Next!


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Machinists Union District 141 Supports UAL Pilots’ Picket on May 12

MAY 3, 2023

ALPA / IAMAW – As union members, we know the importance of solidarity and unity. That’s why we stand with our brothers and sisters at ALPA, who are fighting for a fair contract from United management. They are picketing on Friday, May 12, at all UA hubs to demand Contract First/United Next. We urge all union members to join them and show United management we are solid. Their struggle is our struggle.

The United pilots have been in negotiations for more than five years and are still waiting for a contract reflecting their value and sacrifices. United management’s “United Next” plan cannot happen without a Contract First. They need to respect the pilots who make United fly and who have contributed to United’s success.

We invite all Machinists Union District 141 members and other labor union members to join the United pilots on the picket line as we send a clear message to United management. We will not tolerate any delays or excuses. We demand a contract now.

Below is the list of locations and RSVP links for the picket events. Please click on the link for your location and register your attendance. Links will be updated as more information becomes available concerning each picket.


Let’s show our support and solidarity to the United pilots on May 12. Together, we can make a difference. Contract First/United Next!


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