Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC. The Letters of Agreement that were reviewed and designated by the Association subcommittee, were presented to the company. An agreement was...

Wage Erosion is Not a Problem for IAM141 Members

Wage Erosion is Not a Problem for IAM141 Members

Union contracts are protecting paychecks. While millions of America's non-union workers are watching their paychecks erode due to ever-increasing health care costs and wage stagnation, IAM Members at our nation's airlines are prospering. With wages that are higher...

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in New York City. As was previously reported, an Association subcommittee met last week in Dallas to review and designate what Letters of Agreement would be...

Interim Wage Increase Agreement

Interim Wage Increase Agreement

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU/IAM Association and  American Airlines agreed that, as part of the interim wage increase agreement negotiated in August 2016, any members that were disadvantaged would be corrected and made whole. The first correction in 2016 affected 33...

Right to Work is Wrong

Right to Work is Wrong

Airline workers may need to study up on “Right to Work” laws, which have been helping big business defund unions for years. Important politicians are trying to extend Right to Work rules into all unions and employee groups. This may soon include airline and railroad...

IAM141 Remembers the Victims of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting

IAM141 Remembers the Victims of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting

IAM141 honored the victims of the senseless Las Vegas mass shooting as the 2017 IAM141 Chairman’s Conference drew to a close last week. Throughout the conference, the tragedy was never far from the minds of the speakers, nor was the willingness to support the families...