“Voisterous” Female Leadership Program Looks Ahead

“Voisterous” Female Leadership Program Looks Ahead

LEADS Program Particpants pose for a Holiday photo with District 141 President, Mike Klemm (seated, on right) and Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Gerulis. "Voisterous" Female Leadership Program Looks AheadMachinists District 14115 November 2022In September, Marilyn Loden,...

Association Update: Holiday Arbitration

Association Update: Holiday Arbitration

Recording Secretaries - Please print and post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards. GET PRINTABLE COPY >>Related NewsAssociation Update: Holiday Arbitration November 7, 2022  TO: TWU/IAM Association Members  RE: Holiday Arbitration  At the end of last week, we were...

JetBlue Hits More Turbulence

JetBlue Hits More Turbulence

JetBlue is a company that has been mismanaged for years. Now, that poor management has invited numerous court actions and unwanted ire from the Justice Department. JetBlue Merger Hits More TurbulanceOrganizing7 November 2022JetBlue is facing mounting scrutiny over its...

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue's VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things. JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCOOrganizing4 November 2022Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO...

Airline Profits: Union Made

Airline Profits: Union Made

Record summer airline profits are proof that workers are assets that should be invested in, not liabilities that should be limited. Summer 2022 Airline Profits: Union MadeOrganizing31 October 2022Unions create a workplace where workers take their jobs seriously,...

A Halloween Story About Dues at JetBlue

A Halloween Story About Dues at JetBlue

Supervisors at JetBlue think Crewmembers should be scared of dues, but it's abusive supervisors who have the most to fear from a well-funded, unified workplace.  A Halloween Story About Dues at JetBlueOrganizing31 October 2022Anti-Union managers at JetBlue seem to...

JetBlue Union Vote Update: No Back Dues

JetBlue Union Vote Update: No Back Dues

JetBlue Union Vote Update: No Back DuesOrganizing27 October 2022Dear GO Crewmembers: Sadly and unfortunately, it has come to our attention that JetBlue management and their agents are lying about the union dues issue once again. Let me be as clear as possible: There...

Tentative Deal at Southwest: Historic Pay, Overtime Protections

Tentative Deal at Southwest: Historic Pay, Overtime Protections

Machinists Union Customer Service Workers at Soutwest are considering a Tentative Agreement that would provide historic wages and overtime protections. Tentative Deal at Southwest: Historic Pay, Overtime ProtectionsOrganizing26 October 2022Southwest Airlines has...

Dennis Spencer Named New Safety Director for American, Spirit

Dennis Spencer Named New Safety Director for American, Spirit

Dennis Spencer Named Safety Director for American, Spirit MembersSafety18 October 2022Dennis Spencer, Safety Chairman from Local Lodge 1776, has been appointed to Safety Director for District 141, overseeing safety programs for Union Members at American Airlines and...

Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487

Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League fights for Pro-Union legislation within the airline industry. To find out how you can help with this critical work, please CLICK HERE >> Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487MNPL12 October 2022On...