18 February 2022
IAM Negotiators, United Meet at IAM141 District Headquarters
The IAM District 141 negotiating committee and representatives from United Airlines met this week in Chicago, IL, and engaged in another round of meaningful talks under the expedited negotiation process. The Union and the Company discussed specific quality of life issues identified by IAM members in the contract survey and proposal process and explained our concerns surrounding each issue.
The Union once again emphasized to the Company the need to compensate IAM-represented United Airlines members at the top of the industry, provide employment security provisions that provide all IAM members and their families the job protections they need and deserve, and fix the issues that degrade IAM United members quality of life on and off the job.
The negotiating committee also spent time honing contract language that will be proposed to the company.
We are cautiously optimistic that the expedited contract process is on track. Our hope is that the Company recognizes the importance and value of IAM members at United Airlines and how bargaining a fair and just contract is not only the right thing to do but also vital to United Airlines’ future success.
Due to some scheduling conflicts our next negotiating session with the Company will be the week of March 21st. However, your negotiating team will be getting together in the meantime to work on fine-tuning your proposals inĀ preparation for the upcoming meetings.
In Solidarity,
Michael G. Klemm
President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141
Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.