Honoring the Fallen, Protecting the Living

Honoring the Fallen, Protecting the Living
On April 28, the Machinists Union gathered to honor workers lost to preventable accidents on Workers Memorial Day, pledging to continue the fight for safer working conditions.
Workers Memorial Day serves as a poignant reminder of the lives lost to workplace hazards and the need for better safety standards. Among those remembered was Albert Williams, a highly respected ramp agent at United Airlines, who tragically suffered a severe health crisis while at work and passed away in August 2022. A dedicated union representative, he was deeply involved in community service events through Houston’s Local Lodge 811, where he also served as an auditor. Born in Louisiana, Williams was a devoted father and avid LSU football fan.
Although he never got to see his sons reach their college football dreams, he would have been proud. AJ, his younger son, won a football scholarship, and is now a freshman at Mary-Harden Baylor. His elder son, Zion Williams, is close to graduating from the University of Houston. His daughter, Jaden, is a medical assistant in the Dallas area. Williams had been married to his wife Jaha for 20 years before his untimely passing.
Albert was among the workers honored at this year’s ceremony.
“Despite all of our progress, we are still reminded every year of the dangerous nature of our work,” emphasized IAM International President Brian Bryant. “We are reminded that it is our union’s most sacred duty to ensure our members’ safety.”
The ceremony was held at the IAM William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Workers’ Memorial Park. It brought together union members and leaders to honor workers who lost their lives due to preventable workplace injuries and illnesses. The event emphasized the importance of continuing to advocate for strong safety standards in workplaces across the country. A wreath was laid at the memorial to pay tribute to those who had passed, and attendees observed a moment of silence in their honor.
Brian Bryant and Michael Oathout, IAM Safety and Health Director, delivered remarks urging members to hold employers accountable and fight for safe working conditions. Oathout stated, “We must continue to bond together to keep our families, coworkers, and neighbors safe. We must hold employers accountable to keep workers safe. We must fight to protect our fundamental right to a safe job.” The ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the human cost of unsafe workplaces and the need for continued vigilance in protecting workers’ rights to a safe job.
Recent statistics on workplace fatalities emphasize the urgency of this cause. In 2022, workplace fatalities rose by 5.7%, resulting in 5,486 deaths, with transportation incidents being the leading cause, accounting for 37.7% of all deaths. Violence-related deaths also saw an increase of 11.6%, underscoring the range of risks that workers face. Workers in transportation and material moving occupations experienced the highest number of fatalities, followed by construction workers. Additionally, significant disparities were found in fatality rates among different demographics, particularly Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino workers.
These statistics highlight the critical importance of workplace safety initiatives and reinforce the need for stronger regulations to prevent these preventable tragedies.
To watch the ceremony, click here. To view the full photo gallery, click here.
Fallen Members: 18
Frederick M. Anderson, Jr. – TCU/IAM Local 6334
James Balk – IAM Local 2777
Albert Banks Sr. – IAM Local 1445
Matthew Carter – IAM Local 4
Derek James Etzcorn – IAM Local 1635
Bryan Fleigle – IAM Local 175
Daniel Fumar – IAM Local 1781
Sandra Grosberger – IAM Local 175
John Hammerbacker Jr. – IAM Local 175
Sherri Harrison – IAM Local 175
Devvin Patrick Hasson – TCU/IAM Local 6004
Otha “Jay” Jones Jr. – IAM Local 2003
Kevin Lamond – IAM Local 175
Robert “Jeff” Moore – IAM Local 18
Robert H. Skinner – IAM Local 18
Christina Smith – IAM Local 1635
Danny Suafoa – IAM Local 2202/District 142
Terry Trowbridge – IAM Local 175
Special Remembrances: 11
Retired Business Rep for IAM Local 1769/District 75 – Charles Cooper Jr.
Retired IAM Local 2003 Member – Carl “CT” Dean
Retired GST Special Assistant – Steven Dunn
Retired Railroad Coordinator/General Chair – Mark “Flip” Filipovic
Grand Lodge Auditor – Michael Gonzales
Retired Western Territory Chief of Staff – Robert Gregory
Retired Director of Legislative and MNPL – William Holayter
Retired IAM Local 1125 Life Member – Wayne Ihrig
Retired Headquarters Resident General Vice President – George Poulin
Retired Grand Lodge Representative – Jack Sams
Retired IAM Local 777 Member – Terry R. Sutton
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Honoring the Fallen, Protecting the Living
3 May 2024
On April 28, the Machinists Union gathered to honor workers lost to preventable accidents on Workers Memorial Day, pledging to continue the fight for safer working conditions.
Workers Memorial Day serves as a poignant reminder of the lives lost to workplace hazards and the need for better safety standards. Among those remembered was Albert Williams, a highly respected ramp agent at United Airlines, who tragically suffered a severe health crisis while at work and passed away in August 2022. A dedicated union representative, he was deeply involved in community service events through Houston’s Local Lodge 811, where he also served as an auditor. Born in Louisiana, Williams was a devoted father and avid LSU football fan.
Although he never got to see his sons reach their college football dreams, he would have been proud. AJ, his younger son, won a football scholarship, and is now a freshman at Mary-Harden Baylor. His elder son, Zion Williams, is close to graduating from the University of Houston. His daughter, Jaden, is a medical assistant in the Dallas area. Williams had been married to his wife Jaha for 20 years before his untimely passing.
Albert was among the workers honored at this year’s ceremony.
“Despite all of our progress, we are still reminded every year of the dangerous nature of our work,” emphasized IAM International President Brian Bryant. “We are reminded that it is our union’s most sacred duty to ensure our members’ safety.”
The ceremony was held at the IAM William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Workers’ Memorial Park. It brought together union members and leaders to honor workers who lost their lives due to preventable workplace injuries and illnesses. The event emphasized the importance of continuing to advocate for strong safety standards in workplaces across the country. A wreath was laid at the memorial to pay tribute to those who had passed, and attendees observed a moment of silence in their honor.
Brian Bryant and Michael Oathout, IAM Safety and Health Director, delivered remarks urging members to hold employers accountable and fight for safe working conditions. Oathout stated, “We must continue to bond together to keep our families, coworkers, and neighbors safe. We must hold employers accountable to keep workers safe. We must fight to protect our fundamental right to a safe job.” The ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the human cost of unsafe workplaces and the need for continued vigilance in protecting workers’ rights to a safe job.
Recent statistics on workplace fatalities emphasize the urgency of this cause. In 2022, workplace fatalities rose by 5.7%, resulting in 5,486 deaths, with transportation incidents being the leading cause, accounting for 37.7% of all deaths. Violence-related deaths also saw an increase of 11.6%, underscoring the range of risks that workers face. Workers in transportation and material moving occupations experienced the highest number of fatalities, followed by construction workers. Additionally, significant disparities were found in fatality rates among different demographics, particularly Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino workers.
These statistics highlight the critical importance of workplace safety initiatives and reinforce the need for stronger regulations to prevent these preventable tragedies.
To watch the ceremony, click here. To view the full photo gallery, click here.
Fallen Members: 18
Frederick M. Anderson, Jr. – TCU/IAM Local 6334
James Balk – IAM Local 2777
Albert Banks Sr. – IAM Local 1445
Matthew Carter – IAM Local 4
Derek James Etzcorn – IAM Local 1635
Bryan Fleigle – IAM Local 175
Daniel Fumar – IAM Local 1781
Sandra Grosberger – IAM Local 175
John Hammerbacker Jr. – IAM Local 175
Sherri Harrison – IAM Local 175
Devvin Patrick Hasson – TCU/IAM Local 6004
Otha “Jay” Jones Jr. – IAM Local 2003
Kevin Lamond – IAM Local 175
Robert “Jeff” Moore – IAM Local 18
Robert H. Skinner – IAM Local 18
Christina Smith – IAM Local 1635
Danny Suafoa – IAM Local 2202/District 142
Terry Trowbridge – IAM Local 175
Special Remembrances: 11
Retired Business Rep for IAM Local 1769/District 75 – Charles Cooper Jr.
Retired IAM Local 2003 Member – Carl “CT” Dean
Retired GST Special Assistant – Steven Dunn
Retired Railroad Coordinator/General Chair – Mark “Flip” Filipovic
Grand Lodge Auditor – Michael Gonzales
Retired Western Territory Chief of Staff – Robert Gregory
Retired Director of Legislative and MNPL – William Holayter
Retired IAM Local 1125 Life Member – Wayne Ihrig
Retired Headquarters Resident General Vice President – George Poulin
Retired Grand Lodge Representative – Jack Sams
Retired IAM Local 777 Member – Terry R. Sutton

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