We wanted to check in to make sure you have voted or have a plan to vote in this very important election.
Visit iam2020.org to get all the information you need to vote.
You may remember that IAM members voted to endorse Joe Biden in a first-of-its-kind membership vote this March. Click here to view the IAM’s endorsed U.S. Senate candidates.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will:
– Defend the Voices of Machinists Union Members: Joe Biden will fight against anti-union “right to work” laws.
– Protect Our Health and Keep Us Safe: Joe Biden will make sure employers aren’t risking our health and our lives during this pandemic.
– Secure Our Retirement: Joe Biden will work hard to make sure all our retirement plans are protected.
The stakes couldn’t be higher in this election, so please make your voice heard. Visit iam2020.org and make a plan to vote today.
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