![Flagship header copy](https://iam141.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Flagship-header-copy.jpg)
2021 Tentative Agreement Fact Sheet
If ratified, this Tentative Agreement will continue to offer industry-leading job protections and working conditions. It will also bring better wages and overall compensation, improved pensions, and more vacation time.
Your Negotiating Team is proud to bring this Tentative Agreement to our sisters and brothers at Flagship. We unanimously recommend a YES vote.
Contact AGC Troy Rivera at TRivera@IAM141.org
No Pandemic Givebacks or Concessions
We didn’t give up anything.
With the pandemic devastating airlines and air travel, many companies could barely stay in business, much less improve the pay and benefits of their workforce. Yet, together, we were able to protect all of the language negotiated in the current contract.
The changes in the Tentative Agreement are items that will improve the Flagship workplace.
New Language That Regulates How the Company Can Fill Vacancies
We needed a better system for filling vacancies.
The new agreement will define what a vacancy is, and creates a procedure for how they can be filled.
From now on, the company will post a notice for any open janitorial and forklift positions that will need to be filled for 60 days or more. The notice will have to be available to employees for at least 7 calendar days and will be filled through the bidding process.
Vacancies will be filled according to company seniority and the ability to do the job.
Temporary assignments of less than 60 days can be created and filled by the company.
Vacation Improvements
The new agreement will honor those who have given the most years to the company with more vacation time. It will also set clear rules for buying back unused vacation time.
If ratified, the Tentative Agreement will award a fourth week of vacation to those with more than 13 years of service with Flagship. In addition, the company has agreed to buy back unused vacation days from anyone with more than 3 unused days left at the end of the year. This includes both block vacations and holidays.
The payouts will be made before February 28.
Bereavement Leave
More compassionate personal leave options for those experiencing a death in the family.
In the event of the death of an employee’s father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, spouse, or child the employee will be granted three days off work with pay. In the event of the death of a grandparent, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, or sibling, the employee will be granted two days off with pay.
Higher Sick Time Max
Active full-time, part-time and temporary employees will continue to accrue 8 hours of sick time per month. With this agreement, the maximum number of sick hours that can be accrued will increase from 96 hours to 120 hours.
$300 Signing Bonus
Every employee will get a $300 bonus the day the new agreement is signed.
Increased Pension Contributions
Fewer than one in four Americans in the private sector have a pension waiting for them when they retire. 100% of IAMAW members at Flagship do.
This agreement will raise hourly pension contributions by 43% starting this summer. By 2023, pension contributions will increase by 71%.
Flagship will continue to make contributions to the IAM National Pension Fund, using the following scale:
$ .50 Per Hour Effective July 01, 2021
$ .55 Per Hour Effective January 1, 2022
$ .60 Per Hour Effective January 1, 2023
Overtime Fairness
The new agreement will help create a more fair and standardized system for overtime rules.
Overtime will be awarded to the employees with the least amount of accrued hours. When employees work overtime for 4 to 8 hours, they will be charged after hours have been worked. All hours worked will be accrued throughout the year. All hours will be zeroed out annually on January 1 for equalization purposes.
More Money From Wages
Janitors and Utility Classifications will see a 4% increase in hourly wages right away, rising to just over 12% by 2024. Leads and Forklift Classifications will get a 10% pay increase immediately, rising to 26% in 2024.
Thanks to the San Francisco Minimum wage, the real-world take-home pay for janitors is currently $18.25, several dollars over the $16 an hour contractual rate. For Full-time Janitors and Utility Classifications, these pay increases will total more than $1,600 annually over the $18.25 / hour rate. This will grow to more than $4,700 a year by 2024.
For Full-time Forklift and Lead Classifications, the new Agreement will provide more than $4K annually, rising to $10,400 over current rates by 2024.
Date of signing____$19.05
Date of signing____$21.00