Registration for the Machinists Union District 141 Convention is now open.

Please register Attendees as soon as possible. The cutoff to register delegates is 15 July. 

The Local Lodge Recording Secretary shall notify the District Lodge 141 Secretary-Treasurer no  later than the fifteenth (15th) of July 2024, of the names of the Delegates and alternate Delegates of their Local Lodge. The link for Recording Secretaries to provide this information can be found at the top of this page.
Delegates may not submit their own information.


July 15
Recording Secretaries must turn in the names of all delegates and alternate delegates.

September 4th:
Delegate Profile Form must be turned in.

Check back here for Committee Meeting Locations.


July 15
Recording Secretaries must turn in the names of all delegates and alternate delegates.

September 4th:
Delegate Profile Form must be turned in.


Registration for the Machinists Union District 141 Convention is now open.

Please register Attendees as soon as possible. The cutoff to register delegates is 15 July. 

The Local Lodge Recording Secretary shall notify the District Lodge 141 Secretary-Treasurer no  later than the fifteenth (15th) of July 2024, of the names of the Delegates and alternate Delegates of their Local Lodge. The link for Recording Secretaries to provide this information can be found at the top of this page.
Delegates may not submit their own information.

Committee Locations

Check back here for committee locations.