IAMAW DL141 Officer Election Update, 08 March 2016
First, I would like to thank all the Recording Secretaries and Local Lodge Tellers for working long hours on Friday, 4 March for the District 141 Nomination Endorsements. Also, to all the Members that took the time to have their voice heard and voted in the Nomination Endorsement. This is an important benefit of Membership in the IAMAW.
Local Lodges are reporting their Endorsement Results. As per DL141 Bylaws, Article VIII – District Officers Qualifications and Election, Section 8, (g) “Any nominee receiving endorsements from at least ten (10) Local Lodges, or more and accepting the nomination shall be a bona fide candidate.” The Local Lodge Endorsement Results indicate all positions are uncontested and no election will need to be held in June. The District has the responsibility to report final results, which would include the Absentee Ballots received. The District Lodge Tellers will begin their recount and inclusion of the absentee ballots on Monday, 14 March, at the San Francisco Financial Office.
Once the District Lodge Tellers have completed their count, the final results will be published on iam141.org, plus all Nominees will be advised individually.
Alex Gerulis,
District Lodge 141 Secretary-Treasurer