February 4th Officer Nominations Online Form

Use this form to record the candidates nominated by your Local Lodge for the 2022 IAMAW Union Officer Elections. Please send this information to the IAMAW District 141 Headquarters right away upon the close of the nomination meeting. This information will be emailed as a printable PDF for review. Once it has been signed by tellers, it should be mailed via USPS to District Headquarters at:


1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103

 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139


All nominees must be reported no later than five days after the close of the nomination endorsement vote. 

Extra spaces are provided for additional nominees; not all spaces will be needed. 


Step 1 of 11

Form instructions

Please enter your local lodge number and the name of the Recording Secretary who is affirming that all the information in this nomination form is correct. All nominees must be active members in good standing.