Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
ARTICLE C, SEC. 4 of the IAMAW Constitution details the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer. The S.T. of local lodges that are not affiliated with a District Lodge shall perform all of the functions listed here. Secretary-Treasurers of locals that are affiliated with a District Lodge are only allowed to perform the duties that are not performed by the District Lodge Secretary-Treasurer.
Financial Duties
1. The ST shall receive and deposit all funds of the local lodge in a bank of sound financial standing in the name of the lodge; pay all properly authorized vouchers as prepared by the Recording Secretary. All payments must be made by electronic fund transfer, or shall be countersigned by the President.
2. The ST shall collect all monies from any source for the benefit of the local lodge; keep a systematic account of all disbursements in such a way as to show the balance of cash on hand and submit all financial and membership records to the auditing committee of the local lodge semi-annually (at the close of June and December) when called for by the President.
3. Local lodges are encouraged to computerize the financial record keeping functions, provided the local lodge owns or leases its equipment. Before implementing Andy computerized system, the office of the General Secretary-Treasurer and the financial officer of the local lodge must meet to determine that the anticipated system will produce the necessary reports for the IAMAW audits and any required government reports.
Membership Dues Collection and Reporting
At the end of each month, the Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure a verified copy of the monthly membership report has been submitted to the General Secretary-Treasurer, and a copy retained for local lodge records.
If the local lodge does not generate this report, it is the Secretary-Treasurer’s responsibility to obtain a copy from the District Lodge or Grand Lodge as appropriate. Local lodge Secretary-Treasurers shall ensure proper per capita tax has been consistent with the report. The monthly report shall include a correct statement of the number of members on the books of the local lodge. Monies collected by Secretary-Treasurers on behalf of the Grand Lodge as indicated on monthly reports, shall be used for no other purpose.
The local lodge Secretary-Treasurer shall present a financial report to the membership at the regular monthly meeting of the lodge which shall specify the balances of the lodge accounts such as the General Fund, Emergency, Strike Fund, Investment Accounts, and the like. The report shall include an up to date accounting of membership gains and losses.
Protect the Funds of the Lodge
The Secretary-Treasurer provides an important part of the checks and balances in protecting the assets of the lodge. They have a fiduciary responsibility to review and scrutinize all expenditures to ensure a proper union purpose and proper authorization for the expenditure as well as proper supporting documentation before paying the voucher.
Federal and State Reports
The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for preparing and submitting all required government reports in a timely manner such as LM filing, 990’s, state and federal tax returns and the like.
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