141 Report: The Machinists Union-Represented Security Force at United
11 March 2022
This week, join the 141 Report for an interview with two machinist guests from San Franciso airport. Our focus this week is on the IAM-represented United Airlines Security officers who watch over the 3000 workers who go into the hanger facility each day.
Recent Machinists Union News
Association Update
Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. Recording Secretaries - Please print and post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards. GET PRINTABLE COPY...
New DOT Rules Promise to Make Air Travel Less Horrible
New DOT Rules Promise to Make Air Travel Less HorribleWASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation, led by Secretary Pete Buttigieg, announced sweeping new regulations on Wednesday, requiring airlines to offer automatic cash refunds for significant delays and...
United Negotiations Update
United Contract Negotiations Update23 April 2024Dear Machinists Union Sisters and Brothers at United Airlines, As President and Directing General Chair of IAM District Lodge 141, I want to thank you for your participation in our recent pre-negotiation surveys. Your...