Dave Lehive was at the Local 1487 Golf Outing last week, where the sold-out event attracted 144 golfers on a beautiful summer day. This was the Chicago local’s biggest fundraising event of the year to benefit Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines.
141 Report: Summer Fun, Fundraising, and Politics
Dave Lehive was at the Local 1487 Golf Outing last week, where the sold-out event attracted 144 golfers on a beautiful summer day. This was the Chicago local’s biggest fundraising event of the year to benefit Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines.
The organizing committee, led by Local 1487 President Tony Licciardi, spent six months planning the event, which received the support of many of the local’s friends and allies in the community. Union members, their families, and friends enjoyed a great course, fellowship, and fresh air while raising much-needed funds for the Machinists Union’s favorite charity. GDA President Russ Gitlin attended the event accompanied by McCoy, a 2 ½-year-old Labrador Retriever who is ready to be placed with a blind person.
Sponsors of the event included National Group Protection and District 141. Friends of the late District 141 AGC Rich Pascarella, who was a prominent supporter of Guide Dogs of America, sponsored a golf hole to raise money for the pups in his memory.
Dave flew from Illinois to New Jersey for the New Jersey State Council of Machinists Conference, which took place at Liberty State Park in Jersey City.
Ines Garcia-Keim, a Communications Rep at District 141 and Dave’s colleague, presided over the council’s meeting for the last time, as they elected a new Executive Board. Cristino Vilorio, a Business Representative from Local 447, and Michael Buonpastore, a Safety Rep from Local 1776, were elected President and Secretary-Treasurer, respectively. Brother Buonpastore is a New Jersey resident who previously served as the State Council’s Education Director. Bill Gula, President of Local 914, and Rich Howell, former president of Local 1776, were elected Vice Presidents, and Rich Creighton from District 141 and Obie O’Brien from Local 1776 were elected Trustees.
Ines explains how the State Council serves as the political arm of the union, building relationships, and solidarity with elected officials and allies in labor. The council works to ensure that union members and all working people influence legislation that affects our work and communities. After a year of hiatus because of the pandemic, Ines leaves the council in excellent hands, as she moves into her new role as an Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Center.
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