This week, the District 141 Report covers retirement, retirement planning and why retirees should stay active in their unions.
141 Report – Retirement is a big decision.
This week’s 141 Report includes Paul Platt, the President of Local 2765 in San Diego, and Orlando’s John Staton, who serves as A District 141 Vice President At-Large. Also appearing on the program are Karen Carney, Local 1487 Retiree’s Club President, and Dave Roderick, IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director and recent retiree from United Airlines.
The 20-year Machinists Union Member, Paul Platt, begins the report by informing viewers about a recent retirement event held at the San Diego Local Lodge. “Due to covid restriction, the last year and a half many members took an early out and the union was unable to do any honoring celebration for the members,” said Platt. “2765 reached out to those we could and had a retirement party at our local lodge,” he continued.
“We’re amalgamated United upstairs and downstairs, American downstairs, Southwest upstairs, Alaska upstairs and Hawaiian.” The Local currently has about 400 members in the local. The celebration went well, with 45 to 60 retirees recognized by the Lodge. The Lodge also provided tacos for the attendees. The Local also purchased retirement watches for the Brothers and Sisters, and award certificates were given to the members from their carriers.
Paul finished up by saying, “I encourage any local if you can do something for them because a lot of the people that came were very grateful for this small thing we could do.”
The 141 Report then moved to Orlando, Florida, to talk to 30-year United Airlines Ramp Serviceman John Staton, who has been the VP At-Large to District Lodge 141 since last year. Host Dave asked John about retirement information, and John briefed the viewers on how easy it is for members to contact him or District 141 AGC Mike Cyscon for questions about retirement. John then continued to walk the viewers through the website, covering information from credit unions to 401K and reminding members to get a financial planner.
Brother John wanted to remind members that retirement can take time to plan out and encouraged those nearing retirement to start the process early. John says to allow at least six months to get Everything in place before retiring from work.
After retirement, John also encouraged retirees to stay active with their Local Lodge, saying, “they can still stay involved in the local lodges. The retirees paved the way for all of us.”
Dave then welcomed Sister Karen, hired in 1968 with United Airlines and retired in 2003 after 35 years of service. She became the President of the Retirees Club in 2015 and has served in that capacity for six years. Over 225 retirees remain active with the club, with an average of 60 to 125 attending each monthly meeting. Sister Karen reports the recent retiree trip to Lake Geneva, where 40 members traveled around the lake for lunch on a cruise.
Sister Karen says, “it helps to keep in touch” when asked about the importance of being an active member.
Dave Roderick, our Director of Legislation, was asked if topics come up about politicians attacking or going after retirees benefits at meetings. Brother Roderick replied, “Everything is important. I have made comments about the impotence to Vote” He goes on to say that he “wants to make members aware of what they’re voting for.”
In closing, Karen said, “Wish I could have done this sooner! I would encourage everyone, there are a lot of agents newly retired, but we try to keep them informed and trying to get more people in. We had 25 new people sign up,” over the past weeks.
Roderick closed by saying, “anyone who is a member of 1487 is welcomed to join the club.”
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